Class Blog- 26th January

This week in P7A:

In maths we focused on percentages. We changed fractions into decimals and percentages. We also calculated percentages of amounts using calculators. We found out that if you divide any number by 100 you will get one percent then you can times it by the percent you want! We also did some data handling looking at some pie charts and line graphs and figuring out the amount of people that chose what on the graphs!

This week in writing we were writing news articles on our previous writing about what we didn’t do over the Christmas break.

This week in Literacy we were looking at some Robert Burns poems for Burns Day. Our task was to translate some Scots language and answer some questions about the poem.

In PE we focused on fitness. We were going round different stations such as fast feet going through ladders on the floor, we also had a jumping station where we focused on long jumps. There was another activity where we did 30 seconds of squats then swapped to our partners, there was another station that was similar to that where we did 30 seconds of star jumps.

In Outdoor learning we were looking around for any new shoots or growth in the trees and plants! We discussed signs that things are coming back after winter.

This week we got our new topic and it’s about the Suffragettes. We will look at other protest movements later on.

Blog this week by Finn and Sam.

Class blog- 19th January

Welcome to our class blog!


In maths this week we were finding percentages of amounts. We also converted percentages to fractions and decimals. 


We did some comprehension on a newspaper article and also, we did some writing on the 5 W’s (who, what, when, why, where) in a newspaper article.


Thanks to the ice we had to do indoor PE with Joe Wick on Friday. We are working on our fitness.

We did badminton on Thursday. We did some rallies and played a few matches.

Health and Wellbeing

We learnt about the importance of staying hydrated, what the body needs water for and some tips for drinking enough water.   We made posters on how to stay hydrated and learned some interesting facts as well. For example, 20% of the water you need comes from solid food.

House Spirit Afternoon.

Later today we are having a house spirit afternoon. We will be doing some arts and crafts to make our house banner.

Blog this week by Olly and Zunairah


Class Blog- 12th January

Welcome to our blog!


This week in maths we learnt about types of triangles and missing angles  it was  a lot of fun.


In literacy we learnt all about punctuation and tried to add missing punctuation to some writing. We read about the Northern Lights. It was very interesting. We also started a new book called the Witch’s Vacuum Cleaner. It was funny 

Health and Wellbeing 

In health and wellbeing we had a live lesson all about vapes and their problems  and all the problems for the environment. It was very informative. 

Mr Wilson is now going to teach us on a Tuesday every week.  We had a lot of fun  playing with Kapla and we built a ramp or corner for a car.


In P.E we started a new session. We started badminton and we practised our hits. It was fun, but hard. We did the bleep test in the MUGA, most people found it very hard. In 4 weeks time we will redo it and see if everyone gets a better score. 

So overall a very fun and successful week!

Blog by Ethan and Harley