Class Blog- 3rd November

Welcome to this weeks blog 

This week we did…


This week in maths we did algebra. It was quite tricky but really fun. We did calculations that look like this 6a+4a-a=???


In writing we were practising character descriptions using STEAL

Witch stands for Speech Thoughts Effect on others Actions Looks

We made Halloween themed writing by describing a witch a werewolf or a vampire this was very very fun!


For P>E at Eastwood we changed around our groups but are keeping the rotations I did tennis this week and Sophie did netball. We are all really enjoying P.E with the s6!😁


For our Apprentice task we had to sell biscuits. We chose prices and promotions and sold biscuits for tokens.

Last week 

Last week we did a lot of the same this like P.E and maths. 

Outdoor learning :

In outdoor learning we did some measuring of the playground then mapped out a house by drawing with chalk on the ground


In Spanish we learnt about the day of the dead. It was super fun and interesting. We also did a blooket quiz on the day of the dead (which was very competitive)  We have now got lots of interesting facts that you can quiz us on 🙂 

Blog this week by Amy and Sophie B