15th September


This week we were working on subtracting, adding, multiplying and dividing decimals in chimney sums.

This week we did some problem solving too.


This week we were predicting what was going to happen next in our class novel we are reading called Cloud Busting.

Also, in comprehension we completed a page about The Loner which is a poem about a boy in a school that was always by himself standing next to a wall and had no friends. One day he disappears and no one knows where he went.


In PE we were working on our fitness skills by making our own work out routine that had to include 5 exercises that would increase our stamina and strength.

Languages and science (with miss Ralston)

In language we are learning Spanish and did a Kahoot quiz about words, places, and objects in Spanish.

In science we were learning about organic farming and how it’s healthier for the environment. We also learned that organic food is more expensive.


For “International Dot Day” we did some art inspired by a Russian artist named Wassali Kandinski who was one of the first people to do a modern day art named abstract art.

Blog by Olly and Harley