All posts by Gillian Daly

Week Beginning 13.05.24

P.E- This week we have started a block of gymnastics in PE. We have focussed on balances. Me and my partner had a challenge to hold a balance for 5 seconds where only 2 feet between us were on the ground. FR

Maths- We were calculating the time it would take to get somewhere by its average speed and distance. RA

Technology- Yesterday we made sounds on scratch. We created an algorithm to programme a drum kit to make noise. It was very fun and loud! KM

Heartstone- We read a few pages of the book and then painted using water colours or used charcoal to colour in a picture of a girl called Chandra. FR

We created different shades using the paint. KS

HWB- We had a visit from PC Mitchell who talked to us about internet safety and there was a lot of information to comprehend. It was interesting and made me more aware on online safety. RA



Week Beginning


We have started to create our solo talks. We learned about flashcards before making our own. We learned that flashcards should only have main points which will help you to remember what to say. AR

We used chromebooks to gather information and we have to create a 3 minute talk. My talk is on Messi and will have 7 slides. KS


On Thursday we went to woodland and I climbed up a tree. I got stuck at the top of the tree but managed to problem solve and jump down. FR


We finished our time topic and we are now moving on to our new topic. KS


On Tuesday we played handball in the muga, the games were played with 7 people in each team. One person of each team are in goals and the rest are outfielders. You are allowed to dribble the ball, however when you stop dribbling you have to pass the ball within 3 seconds. You are also not allowed to shoot from inside the goal box. RA

We did relay races on Thursday around the school. We were in different groups of 4 or 3 people. The four people were scattered around the school and we had to pass the baton to the next person. It was hard running up the hill. MM

Solo Talks 

On Thursday we started to decide and research what topic we are doing for our solo talks. We were allowed to choose our topic as long as there is enough information to talk about. AR

We started creating notes on what topic we picked. I have chosen to focus on Olivia Rodrigo. FR


In Numeracy we were focussing on time. We had to convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time to get the answer. KS

Dragon’s Den

On Thursday we were preparing our pitch for Dragon’s Den. We made products to try and help global goals. We made them out of recycled materials. JN



15.04.24- Eid and Culture Celebration Week

This week our school were celebrating Eid and different cultures. Most of our lessons and tasks were relating to Eid and we had a fun week.

On Thursday we baked shortbread and decorated them with icing and Eid patterns.  They tasted delicious and were not too difficult to make. JK

We learned about Islamic art and created our own islamic tiles. We had to think about tessellations and symmetry. CM

On Thursday, Maira very kindly brought in some dates for our class to try as this is what muslim people eat to break their fast. They tasted very sweet and chewey.

This week we were reading the book ‘The Most Exciting Eid’. We were unsure of some of the vocabulary that was used in the book to decided to make an Eid glossary and researched the definitions and translations. FR

During writing we also created an imaginative piece which related to a theme from the book. RA

In maths we created Venn Diagrams and compared how Eid is celebrated in Scotland and compared it with Eid celebrations in another country. EM

Through out the week we listened to some Ramadan related songs so we could develop our knowledge. Our favourite songs are Ramadan Moon and As-salamu alaykum.



Euroquiz- For the Euroquiz we have been learning geography, history and language games as a whole class.  This week to help us practise we worked in pairs and did a Kahoot quiz about Europe. MA

Show- We have found out our parts for the show. This week we have been going through the script and starting to learn our lines. We have also been practising the songs a few times and we are getting really good at them. CA

Literacy- In grammar we were learning about adverbs. We played a game where we had to identify the adverb. FR

Numeracy- For Numeracy we have been focussing on our new topic which is area.

On Monday we rotated around 6 different coordinate activities. There was a coordinates twister where someone  would say a coordinate of where a player had to place their foot or arm. JK

P.E- Yesterday we went to Eastwood. In football we played tournaments. MN

In netball we had a warm up game of chaos tig and then in teams and got our positions. We played against all of the other teams. AR

On Tuesday we did a ceilidh with all of the other P6s. We did the gay gordons, strip the willow and the canadian barn dance. MA

K’Nex- We competed in the K’nex stage challenge and had an hour to build crane. LG

Week Beginning 29.01.24

In Science we have been learning all about how our body works. We visited the Glasgow Science Centre on Friday and had a great day exploring different activities and attending a BodyWorks science show.

Week Beginning 22.01.24

In PE, we have been looking at Scottish dancing. We have learned  Strip the Willow and the Gay Gordons. At first I didn’t think I would enjoy it, but I have loved learning these dances.  AR

In science, we looked at digestion and we found out lots  of interesting things about the body. We played a game of terminology bingo where Miss Daly shouted out definitions and we had to find the words. KM

On Wednesday we did a science experiment on digestion. Each group got a plastic bag to act as a stomach, 4 digestive biscuits and some water. We had to mash it up like the stomach would and then pour the mixture into a tight which acted like an intestine. We then squeezed out the remaining water and what was left was waste (fake poo). AR

In IDL, we were making prototypes for our products. We were given cardboard, glue, playdough, paper and scissors. We got to deign our product as a prototype to see if it worked and decide if any changes have to be made. CA

In Literacy on Thursday we were drawing on our tables. We were writing different words that use apostrophes. Instead of writing an apostrophe we used dried macaroni. It was very fun. FR

Week Beginning 15.01.24

IDL- We created logos and slogans for our Global Goals Enterprise topic. RA

Our business name is Baby + Bundles and our slogan is ‘at the end of the day everything’s okay’. FR

K’Nex- This week we practised for the K’nex challnge. We had an hour to build a funfair ride and then we were judged for how stable our structure was and how well we worked together. KM


Grammar- In grammar we have been focussing on apostrophes for contraction. An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that is used instead of some letters. Example- There’s = There is. MA

Writing- In Writing we have been looking at Scots language and we created a comic strip using scots language. AR

Science- Over the next few weeks we will be looking at Bodyworks as our science focus. This week we discussed what we already know and what we would like to learn. MA

Week Beginning 08.01.24

IDL- We have started a new mini topic linked to the Global Goals. Our aim is to create an item that will help achieve one of the goals. RA

P.E- We played very well in football matches this week and won every game. LG

Numeracy- In Numeracy I was learning about decimals, it looked hard at the beginning but when we learned more it started to get easier. JN

K’Nex- In preparation for the K’nex challenge we used the k’nex to build either a bridge, a car or a house with doors. We made a car.

Writing- In writing we listened to a sound and had to create a piece of writing that linked to the sound. JN

Week Beginning 4.12.23

Art- On Wednesday we started painting using a technique called pointillism. We made a colour wheel and then choose something to paint. I am painting a cherry blossom tree. AR

We looked at the history of pointillism and learned that it is similar to pixels that are used in television. When you look up close you will be able to see the dots more clearly but from far back the colours look blended. FR

On Wednesday we went to the Baptist church to take part in ADVENTure. We learned about Jesus, Christmas and the nativity. RA

On Thursday we had the last session of PE at Eastwood and we played a match against the play leaders. P6 won 9-5 to us!! CM

In grammar we learned about direct speech. You have to use inverted comas when someone is saying something. MA