
On Tuesday we played handball in the muga, the games were played with 7 people in each team. One person of each team are in goals and the rest are outfielders. You are allowed to dribble the ball, however when you stop dribbling you have to pass the ball within 3 seconds. You are also not allowed to shoot from inside the goal box. RA

We did relay races on Thursday around the school. We were in different groups of 4 or 3 people. The four people were scattered around the school and we had to pass the baton to the next person. It was hard running up the hill. MM

Solo TalksĀ 

On Thursday we started to decide and research what topic we are doing for our solo talks. We were allowed to choose our topic as long as there is enough information to talk about. AR

We started creating notes on what topic we picked. I have chosen to focus on Olivia Rodrigo. FR


In Numeracy we were focussing on time. We had to convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time to get the answer. KS

Dragon’s Den

On Thursday we were preparing our pitch for Dragon’s Den. We made products to try and help global goals. We made them out of recycled materials. JN