Week Beginning 06/11/23


In Literacy we started looking at scripts. We discussed the features of a script and then did some acting. It was so fun when my group performed and also fun watching others act. – MM

In reading we were reading non fiction books. I was reading a book all about Roman Ancient Greeks. -KS



We started learning how to find equivalent fractions. I have enjoyed this challenge because I remember seeing P6 learn this last year. -RA


Over at Eastwood we played netball games, I played the position of goal attack. – ED

In hockey we were doing passing drills, I feel like I’m getting better at hockey each week. -AR


In health and wellbeing we were debating. We had to debate the topic of elderly people using tablets and iPads. It was tricky to think of arguments for and against.  -CA



We have been continuing to work on our Australian presentations which we will be showing to the other P6 classes next week. -MM