Week Beginning 09.10.23

P.E- This week we went back over to Eastwood.  We were so glad that it wasn’t raining this week and we managed to stay dry. Our group did athletics and we did hurdles and ladders which was fun.

This week we created a jungle book scene inside of a shoe box. My group created the scene with Shere Khan in it.

Literacy- In literacy this week e continued to write and illustrate our own jungle book.  We are looking forward to reading them to our buddies this afternoon.

Our class were excited to receive the trophy for Miss Ralston’s class of the week!

Week Beginning 02/10/2023

This week for PE we went over to Eastwood and got split into 2 groups. My group were focussing on rugby and we played some games. My favourite game was dodge the catcher. -Chloe

In IDL we were learning about Scottish culture. I learned that Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone. -Miraya

In Literacy we started creating our own books that we will read to our buddy next week. We printed our writing off and created a front cover and blurb. -Maira

This week was Maths Week Scotland, one of the tasks we completed was Curves of Pursuit. We drew a square and measured 1cm to the left and continued the steps to make a pattern The final results looked really cool. -Millie