
Roald Dahl

This week P5 have been undertaking an author study about Roald Dahl as part of our World Book Day events.  We worked in groups to research key areas of his life and presented our knowledge as a poster.  A few of us took our posters to assembly so that we could share our learning with the upper school.

WC – I enjoyed this study as it was fun and we learned about lots of new  books.

AM – Each table read different Roald Dahl books and we made posters about him and his life. It was great fun!

World Book Day

On Thursday we took part in a live author’s event with Ben Lyttleton and Kit Brown.  We enjoyed hearing from professional football players and participating in the interactive quiz.

Book Swap

RMcK – “It was cool walking in and there were so many books to choose from.”

MMS- “I really like the book I got at the book swap.”

II – ” I got a very good book and I can’t wait to use my book token to get ‘Greg the Sausage Roll.”

Crookfur Grand Designs

This week have taken part in the Crookfur Grand  Designs Challenges and came up with lots of creative ways to enhance our reading corner.

Year Group of the Week

This week P5 have been awarded Year Group of the Week, therefore we will have an extra play next week as a reward for lining up quickly and quietly.