
Grow Your £5

The highlight of our week has been our ‘Grow Your £5’ event at Parent’s Night on Wednesday.

We had great fun selling our products and calculating our profit.

As some our our businesses still have products to sell we will aim to advertise our products to the rest of the school and have a final event before the end of term, which will allow us to calculate our final profit and decide what we would like to do with our earnings.

DCs hot chocolate was delicious.

WMJ “some people commented that our bracelets looked cute”

Thank you to our parent’s for supporting our business ventures! 🙂



During P.E, we were developing our tennis skills. We worked in threes to develop our aim, reaction time and accuracy in returning the tennis ball. We really enjoyed this activity!

After some practising we added in a net. This was only our second time using the net while having a rally so we need work at our skills in order to do this.


Have a lovely weekend P5A 😊