
Christmas Party

After break on Tuesday we had our Christmas Party. It was really fun and we played lots of games (and some children even won prizes!).  We played Christmas corners, musical statues, musical bumps and had a best dancer competition.

P7 Christmas Crafts

A group of P7 children came into our class to teach us a Christmas craft. We had the options of creating a Santa, a Snowman, a wreath, a Christmas tree or a snowflake. We enjoyed this learning opportunity.


Craft Afternoons

Sewing Baubles

We had to thread a needle to sew a pattern onto a Christmas bauble. We were given the option of which colour to pick for our design. Once we had completed our design we chose a ribbon to hang our bauble on the tree. It was really fun but it came with some challenges.

Hama Beads

We were given the opportunity to pick a stencil and used the Hama Beads to create a design or pattern. This activity required a lot of concentration because if you made a mistake the whole design could fall apart.

Xmas Cards

We designed Christmas cards by watching a tutorial on how to draw an elf. Then we got green paper and created a pop up present or Christmas tree. Finally, we added decorations and glitter to complete our cards.