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Spectacular Sports Stars! Week Beginning 6th June 2022

We had a fantastic Health Week in P4b!

As well as trying a huge range of sports and visiting the David Lloyd, we also learned about staying safe around medicines!

We took part in:


and Golf!

Thank you so much for the support in providing sportswear and for cheering our Sports Stars along at Sports Day today- everyone tried so hard and showed amazing perseverance and positive mindsets!


Please enjoy our blog below with photos and videos of a jam packed week!


Final 2 weeks of Term 2!

A massive thank you to all pupils in P4b for a truly fantastic term. You have all worked so hard, learned so much and made me so proud!


Enjoy every minute of your well earned holiday, I am excited to hear all about it!


Mrs McGarvey



‘We did an Easter Egg Hunt in Maths and we had to complete problems and there was a runner who had to give the answers to Mrs McGarvey. Every time we got a question right we got to go find an egg.’- Myla


‘I enjoyed building our team rockets. Ours was Sputnik 2 and we had to do research to find out what it was made of then draw a plan.’ -Eva


‘We dabbed a sponge on a piece of paper and designed a mindfulness Easter Egg.’- Erin

‘Today Mrs McGarvey pranked us for April Fools to do a survey to see what type of building we want for the extension. All the buildings were super cool and fancy.’- Aarohi


‘We went on a giant Beat the Street walk on Wednesday. We went with p4a as well it was pretty good. I walked with Ross J.’- Kyler


‘On Wednesday Fleming went to the cinema at Silveburn to watch sing 2. It was cool.’- Josh


‘We were writing imaginative stories about Aliens. Mine appeared when they went stargazing and it was called Bubbles.’ – Gaby


‘We learned about tenths eights and sixths in fractions this week.’- Abubakar


‘We have been doing fractions and learning about equivalent fractions. They are the same amount but different parts.’ Harper


‘We played The Chase but for multiplication and division and we had a chaser. There were different questions and if we got them right we moved down but if the chaser got them right they move too. If the chaser catches you you are out.’- Sophia


‘On Thursday we played  a version of Wordle, if the letter was yellow it was in the word but not in the right place and if it was green it was in the right place.’- Katie






Marvellous March and Super Science Week so far! Weeks Beginning: 07.03.22 and 14.03.22


‘We have been writing imaginative stories about pictures of different things. This week we wrote about an aeroplane trip.’- Sophia

‘We have been proof reading sentences to check if anything is missing or if it is wrong.’- Eva

‘We have been summarising and that is including main details and points.’- Aarohi

‘We did comprehension about summarising and we learned about Marie Antoinette.’- Kyler

Active spelling is always a big hit! We had some super creative ways of practising our spelling words this week.




‘We have been learning the 3 times table.’- Stella

‘We were folding a circle and colouring in the fraction.’- Zariya

‘We’ve been doing directions and we made a compass and we went outside to test people’s directions.’- Ben

‘I like the number of the day because it is fun to test you brain with times tables or division or adding.’-Clyde


‘We made travel brochures and we had to create our own planets and name them.’- Harris

‘Everyone had a chance to share their planet and Mrs McGarvey chose to visit the Phoenix planet.’- Fin

Science Week


‘We did a test to look after a cow and see if it was healthy’- Abubakar

‘We watched a video of a vet who was telling us lots of facts about a cow from the front to the back.’- Josh

‘We created optional illusion art- there were 4 different ones.’- Amelia

‘They mess with your eyes to make things look 3D and pop out’- Harper

‘We were learning about Surviving on Mars you had to make notes and choose 5 important things to take to survive.’- Aarohi



‘We have been doing football and short matches. We’ve been working on shooting, defending and marking.’- Ross

‘We did a competition to beat the goalie (Mrs McGarvey) against Calvin! We got 5 minutes extra break.’- Rudi


We thoroughly enjoyed our return to woodland this week! We had some time for free play then looked at our planters and started to plan what we will plant in them!


We are continuing with our weekly Mental Health walks and chats to break up our day when we have a long learning session.

Spectacular Space Solo Talks, Brilliant Book Week and Amazing Assembly! Week Beginning 28.02.22

Wow- what a week in p4b!


I would just like to start by saying a huge thank you to all pupils and parents for the time, effort and creativity put into our Space Solo Talks.

The children were absolutely fabulous at clearly and confidently sharing facts about their favourite astronauts.


I would also like to say how wonderful it was to catch up with families at Parents Evening- I feel so lucky and proud to have such a hard working, resilient and amazing class. It was a pleasure to share their stories and successes with you all 🙂


Please enjoy the photos and videos below of our busy Space work, World Book Day activities and football skills!

There are lots of photos on Crookfur Twitter too 🙂


Finally, we made a return to in person assemblies today! The class were overjoyed to get together with their p3 and p4 friends, sing the school song and receive some achievement certificates.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mrs McGarvey


Fantastico Febbraio in p4b!

We have has a fantastico few weeks in P4b which was rounded off by a very exciting ‘Mother Tongue Languages Week’ where we were learning some Italian!

‘We’ve been learning the song ‘Il crocodillo come fa’ in Italian! It is about a crocodile.”- Sophie


” We made labels with the Italian flag. The labels were for rooms around the school.”- Zariya

” I thought Mother Tongue day was fun because you got to look at other languages which you might not know and you can share the with other people.”- Harper



“We have been working on formal division and we use the Heinemann 4 textbook.”- Euan

” We used a calculator to check the division and put the sums in the right category.”- Myla


“We have been learning the 9 times table. I can divide by 9 too.”- Orla

” When something isn’t divided equally there is going to be a remainder.”- Clyde

” We have been doing upstairs downstairs calculations.” -Jamie

“We have been learning to round to the nearest 10. The tens don’t change but the units do.”- Sophie


“Yesterday we did problem solving. There were 4 kids and they all wanted to move into different rooms. We had to try to move them without 2 people in the same place.”- Amelia



“In spelling the blue group and pink group have been using 2 words to make one word.”- Aarohi

“They are compound words.”- Sophia

“We are reading Granny Nothing. My favourite character is Ewen. “- Fin

“We have been looking back and forward in the text to find  the meaning of words.”- Harris

” In Writing we got to choose what we wanted to write. It was an imaginative story. “- Gaby

“You can look a picture and describe what is going on.”- Fin

“It doesn’t matter if it is perfection just let your imagination go wild.”- Retal

“Don’t let it go too wild though or you will forget your punctuation.”- Kyler

“I wrote a story about a mushroom.”- Jennah


“The ISS goes 16 orbits around the Earth in 1 day.”- Abubakar

“We have been preparing for our Space presentation about an astronaut we are really interested in.”- Katie

“We have been learning about the names of planets and about the dwarf planets like Pluto.”- Ben

” We learned about how astronauts sleep, eat and about the ISS and the robot called Curiosity which went to Mars.”- Japleen



“On Tuesday we made intros for our films. Mine is about superheroes.”- Alia

” With Mr McMillan for ICT we have been making trailers for movies. Next week we are going to make the movie.”- Kyler

” We built a snowbear from snow and p6 stole our snow. We worked together as a team.”- Calvin

“I made a Sway about famous people and shared it with the class.”- Rudi

” I have enjoyed learning about division.”- Eva

“I have made my own spiders and a bag for them so they looked like chips. I made a pot you can put stuff into and it is all made from paper.”- Josh

” On Wednesday I made cupcakes and we got 6 each to take home and my sister ate most of them!”- Stella



Super Scotland, Brilliant Brain Power and Happy Highland Games!

Tremendous 2022 So Far! Weeks Beginning 05.01.22 and 10.01.22

We completed a problem solving activity with the geoboards to make Pentominoes!

‘There were 5 squares which needed to be the same size. You had to try and make as many shapes as you could.’ – Ben

‘All the squares had to be joined or it didn’t count. You couldn’t make the same shape but flipped round.’- Katie

‘We signed the 2022 to say that we are going to try hard to meet our goals.’ Sophie

‘We had to make personal goals, you can get a prize if you try your best.’- Aarohi

‘It is to help us work hard on something we find tricky.’ – Abubakar

‘We put pen on our fingers to see what type of fingerprint we have.’- Amelia

‘There were whorls, arches, right loops and tented arches.’- Harris


‘We put glue on our hands to look at the patterns in our skin.’

‘We learned about all the parts and layer of the skin and what happens if we cut ourselves.’

We had LOTS of fun playing in the snow!

Retal showed us how to write calculations in Arabic- it was very impressive!

We were writing recounts about special events this week.

‘We needed time connectives and paragraphs.’- Euan

‘We needed the 5 w’s to include lots of detail.’- Erin

We started our athletics block in PE!

We tried the javelin and hurdles this week- it was quite challenging!

Fabulous Fractions, Super Skeletons and Cool Contractions! Weeks Beginning 22.11.21 and 29.11.21

Thank you again for taking the time to visit P4b’s blog!

We hope you enjoy the insight into the last two busy weeks of learning in our class.

We were very lucky to have Miss McCaig completing her teaching placement with us these last 6 weeks and were sad to see her go on Wednesday.

Just a reminder that next Friday is the Christmas Jumper Day and the present room!

‘There was a scale and we had to put the same fraction in each one to see if they were the same.’ – Gaby


‘I was helping to start of the holes for the ponds for every group. I had to use a shovel. I was good at it!’- Amelia

‘We were making mini ponds for toads, frogs and creatures to live in.’- Ben

The mini ponds have helped us gain our 4th task towards getting our RSPB Bronze Award!

‘We have been thinking about mi and so in music and we have been making a stave with our fingers.’- Ross

‘We have been finding out a bit more about letters and how to write informal and formal letters.’- Eva


‘This week we wrote informal letters to a fairytale character. We made sure that we had commas in the correct places and capital letters. You have to make sure it is not serious and it is chatty.’- Retal

‘We were learning about the rib cage with Miss McCaig. We had to try and make a rib cage to protect the teacake and survive a fall from outside.’- Leo

‘The teacake was supposed to be the lungs.’- Myla

‘We were making posters to represent kindness.’- Calvin

‘One thing you can do to be kind is feed and help homeless people.’- Japleen

‘We were thinking about ‘or’ words. We made morning’- Kyler

‘We had to look at pizza fractions. There was a game and you had to put the fractions in the right order from smallest to biggest.’- Josh

‘We did a skeleton quiz and we went over all the things we learned about the bones.’- Aarohi

‘Some P6’s came to talk about road safety and then we had a quiz to do about road safety. It was about what you have to do to be safe on the road and driving.’- Harper

Terrific Team work, Brilliant Book Week and Story Sticks! Weeks Beginning 8.11.21 and 15.11.21

It has been another excellent fortnight in p4b filled with exciting learning and fun!

I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share everyone’s fantastic effort and learning at Parents Evening!


Just a quick reminder that our Woodland sessions are on Wednesday afternoons and children should come prepared with appropriate footwear and waterproofs, especially as the weather turns.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs McGarvey



This week was Book Week Scotland! We had lots of opportunities to read, listen to stories including Look Up! and discuss our favourite stories.


‘We were throwing our meteors to make a meteor shower!’- Sophia

We created drama scripts acting as presenters and interviewees to report on the Phoenix Meteor Shower from Look Up!

Everyone made their own props and created interesting questions and detailed answers , delivering their scripts with fabulous clarity and humour!

‘We made matching bookmarks which all went together.’- Alia

‘There was a blank snakes and ladders sheet and we had to write as many ‘ou’ words as we could. There were 64 spaces to put them on!’- Josh


In PE we have been working on team work skills and playing rounders. We have been providing feedback to our team captains for their organisation, leadership skills and sportsmanship.

‘I was the team captain for rounders and it was fun. I had to tell everyone where they should go and when Josh was nervous to kick it I told him it was ok.’- Harris


‘The blue and white one is a snowflake and the other one is a pattern. I was tiling them to make shapes.’- Amelia


‘We went on a walk and collected stuff from nature to make a story stick. Then we used it to make an imaginative story.’- Myla