Marvellous March and Super Science Week so far! Weeks Beginning: 07.03.22 and 14.03.22


‘We have been writing imaginative stories about pictures of different things. This week we wrote about an aeroplane trip.’- Sophia

‘We have been proof reading sentences to check if anything is missing or if it is wrong.’- Eva

‘We have been summarising and that is including main details and points.’- Aarohi

‘We did comprehension about summarising and we learned about Marie Antoinette.’- Kyler

Active spelling is always a big hit! We had some super creative ways of practising our spelling words this week.




‘We have been learning the 3 times table.’- Stella

‘We were folding a circle and colouring in the fraction.’- Zariya

‘We’ve been doing directions and we made a compass and we went outside to test people’s directions.’- Ben

‘I like the number of the day because it is fun to test you brain with times tables or division or adding.’-Clyde


‘We made travel brochures and we had to create our own planets and name them.’- Harris

‘Everyone had a chance to share their planet and Mrs McGarvey chose to visit the Phoenix planet.’- Fin

Science Week


‘We did a test to look after a cow and see if it was healthy’- Abubakar

‘We watched a video of a vet who was telling us lots of facts about a cow from the front to the back.’- Josh

‘We created optional illusion art- there were 4 different ones.’- Amelia

‘They mess with your eyes to make things look 3D and pop out’- Harper

‘We were learning about Surviving on Mars you had to make notes and choose 5 important things to take to survive.’- Aarohi



‘We have been doing football and short matches. We’ve been working on shooting, defending and marking.’- Ross

‘We did a competition to beat the goalie (Mrs McGarvey) against Calvin! We got 5 minutes extra break.’- Rudi


We thoroughly enjoyed our return to woodland this week! We had some time for free play then looked at our planters and started to plan what we will plant in them!


We are continuing with our weekly Mental Health walks and chats to break up our day when we have a long learning session.

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