Final 2 weeks of Term 2!

A massive thank you to all pupils in P4b for a truly fantastic term. You have all worked so hard, learned so much and made me so proud!


Enjoy every minute of your well earned holiday, I am excited to hear all about it!


Mrs McGarvey



‘We did an Easter Egg Hunt in Maths and we had to complete problems and there was a runner who had to give the answers to Mrs McGarvey. Every time we got a question right we got to go find an egg.’- Myla


‘I enjoyed building our team rockets. Ours was Sputnik 2 and we had to do research to find out what it was made of then draw a plan.’ -Eva


‘We dabbed a sponge on a piece of paper and designed a mindfulness Easter Egg.’- Erin

‘Today Mrs McGarvey pranked us for April Fools to do a survey to see what type of building we want for the extension. All the buildings were super cool and fancy.’- Aarohi


‘We went on a giant Beat the Street walk on Wednesday. We went with p4a as well it was pretty good. I walked with Ross J.’- Kyler


‘On Wednesday Fleming went to the cinema at Silveburn to watch sing 2. It was cool.’- Josh


‘We were writing imaginative stories about Aliens. Mine appeared when they went stargazing and it was called Bubbles.’ – Gaby


‘We learned about tenths eights and sixths in fractions this week.’- Abubakar


‘We have been doing fractions and learning about equivalent fractions. They are the same amount but different parts.’ Harper


‘We played The Chase but for multiplication and division and we had a chaser. There were different questions and if we got them right we moved down but if the chaser got them right they move too. If the chaser catches you you are out.’- Sophia


‘On Thursday we played  a version of Wordle, if the letter was yellow it was in the word but not in the right place and if it was green it was in the right place.’- Katie






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