Fantastico Febbraio in p4b!

We have has a fantastico few weeks in P4b which was rounded off by a very exciting ‘Mother Tongue Languages Week’ where we were learning some Italian!

‘We’ve been learning the song ‘Il crocodillo come fa’ in Italian! It is about a crocodile.”- Sophie


” We made labels with the Italian flag. The labels were for rooms around the school.”- Zariya

” I thought Mother Tongue day was fun because you got to look at other languages which you might not know and you can share the with other people.”- Harper



“We have been working on formal division and we use the Heinemann 4 textbook.”- Euan

” We used a calculator to check the division and put the sums in the right category.”- Myla


“We have been learning the 9 times table. I can divide by 9 too.”- Orla

” When something isn’t divided equally there is going to be a remainder.”- Clyde

” We have been doing upstairs downstairs calculations.” -Jamie

“We have been learning to round to the nearest 10. The tens don’t change but the units do.”- Sophie


“Yesterday we did problem solving. There were 4 kids and they all wanted to move into different rooms. We had to try to move them without 2 people in the same place.”- Amelia



“In spelling the blue group and pink group have been using 2 words to make one word.”- Aarohi

“They are compound words.”- Sophia

“We are reading Granny Nothing. My favourite character is Ewen. “- Fin

“We have been looking back and forward in the text to findĀ  the meaning of words.”- Harris

” In Writing we got to choose what we wanted to write. It was an imaginative story. “- Gaby

“You can look a picture and describe what is going on.”- Fin

“It doesn’t matter if it is perfection just let your imagination go wild.”- Retal

“Don’t let it go too wild though or you will forget your punctuation.”- Kyler

“I wrote a story about a mushroom.”- Jennah


“The ISS goes 16 orbits around the Earth in 1 day.”- Abubakar

“We have been preparing for our Space presentation about an astronaut we are really interested in.”- Katie

“We have been learning about the names of planets and about the dwarf planets like Pluto.”- Ben

” We learned about how astronauts sleep, eat and about the ISS and the robot called Curiosity which went to Mars.”- Japleen



“On Tuesday we made intros for our films. Mine is about superheroes.”- Alia

” With Mr McMillan for ICT we have been making trailers for movies. Next week we are going to make the movie.”- Kyler

” We built a snowbear from snow and p6 stole our snow. We worked together as a team.”- Calvin

“I made a Sway about famous people and shared it with the class.”- Rudi

” I have enjoyed learning about division.”- Eva

“I have made my own spiders and a bag for them so they looked like chips. I made a pot you can put stuff into and it is all made from paper.”- Josh

” On Wednesday I made cupcakes and we got 6 each to take home and my sister ate most of them!”- Stella



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