Fabulous Fractions, Super Skeletons and Cool Contractions! Weeks Beginning 22.11.21 and 29.11.21

Thank you again for taking the time to visit P4b’s blog!

We hope you enjoy the insight into the last two busy weeks of learning in our class.

We were very lucky to have Miss McCaig completing her teaching placement with us these last 6 weeks and were sad to see her go on Wednesday.

Just a reminder that next Friday is the Christmas Jumper Day and the present room!

‘There was a scale and we had to put the same fraction in each one to see if they were the same.’ – Gaby


‘I was helping to start of the holes for the ponds for every group. I had to use a shovel. I was good at it!’- Amelia

‘We were making mini ponds for toads, frogs and creatures to live in.’- Ben

The mini ponds have helped us gain our 4th task towards getting our RSPB Bronze Award!

‘We have been thinking about mi and so in music and we have been making a stave with our fingers.’- Ross

‘We have been finding out a bit more about letters and how to write informal and formal letters.’- Eva


‘This week we wrote informal letters to a fairytale character. We made sure that we had commas in the correct places and capital letters. You have to make sure it is not serious and it is chatty.’- Retal

‘We were learning about the rib cage with Miss McCaig. We had to try and make a rib cage to protect the teacake and survive a fall from outside.’- Leo

‘The teacake was supposed to be the lungs.’- Myla

‘We were making posters to represent kindness.’- Calvin

‘One thing you can do to be kind is feed and help homeless people.’- Japleen

‘We were thinking about ‘or’ words. We made morning’- Kyler

‘We had to look at pizza fractions. There was a game and you had to put the fractions in the right order from smallest to biggest.’- Josh

‘We did a skeleton quiz and we went over all the things we learned about the bones.’- Aarohi

‘Some P6’s came to talk about road safety and then we had a quiz to do about road safety. It was about what you have to do to be safe on the road and driving.’- Harper