Terrific Team work, Brilliant Book Week and Story Sticks! Weeks Beginning 8.11.21 and 15.11.21

It has been another excellent fortnight in p4b filled with exciting learning and fun!

I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share everyone’s fantastic effort and learning at Parents Evening!


Just a quick reminder that our Woodland sessions are on Wednesday afternoons and children should come prepared with appropriate footwear and waterproofs, especially as the weather turns.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs McGarvey



This week was Book Week Scotland! We had lots of opportunities to read, listen to stories including Look Up! and discuss our favourite stories.


‘We were throwing our meteors to make a meteor shower!’- Sophia

We created drama scripts acting as presenters and interviewees to report on the Phoenix Meteor Shower from Look Up!

Everyone made their own props and created interesting questions and detailed answers , delivering their scripts with fabulous clarity and humour!

‘We made matching bookmarks which all went together.’- Alia

‘There was a blank snakes and ladders sheet and we had to write as many ‘ou’ words as we could. There were 64 spaces to put them on!’- Josh


In PE we have been working on team work skills and playing rounders. We have been providing feedback to our team captains for their organisation, leadership skills and sportsmanship.

‘I was the team captain for rounders and it was fun. I had to tell everyone where they should go and when Josh was nervous to kick it I told him it was ok.’- Harris


‘The blue and white one is a snowflake and the other one is a pattern. I was tiling them to make shapes.’- Amelia


‘We went on a walk and collected stuff from nature to make a story stick. Then we used it to make an imaginative story.’- Myla

Super Speech Marks, Joyous Journalism and Remarkable Rangoli patterns! Week Beginning 01.11.21

What a quick week we have had in P4b! We can’t quite believe it is now November!

Thank you as always for taking the time to read our blog!

Just a reminder that take home folders went home today- please have a look at your child’s wonderful work and return the folder and all jotters only on Monday 8th November.

I am really looking forward to sharing the pupil’s hard work and achievements so far at Parents Evening next week!


This week in Literacy we were looking at speech marks! We put these into sentences using the correct punctuation. We used pasta to represent the speech marks and thought of lots of different and exciting ways to say ‘said!’ Hopefully we can now start to include speech in our writing!

In Writing we have continued to work on Newspaper articles. Miss McCaig helped us to write an exciting historical article about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot! We are really excelling at being interesting Journalists!

We then acted our news stories in Drama acting as presenters and interviewees. We could choose to present about Cop26 or Bonfire Night.


In Numeracy we have been working on quarter past and quarter to times. We also tried a tricky problem solving job looking at airport timetables and working out what time planes, cars and buses would leave.

The Octagons have thoroughly enjoyed working with Miss Faull to learn the adding 9 trick.

The Diamonds have been thinking carefully about before and after with Mrs McGarvey and have been using Numicon and gems to practise number bonds.

We have enjoyed playing Buzz and Around the World to keep practising our times tables and are getting better and better at the 6 times table!


In Woodland we created rock and log pile habitats to provide a safe and warm place for bugs and small animals now that the winter weather is creeping in!


We learned lots about Diawli- the Festival of Lights, on Thursday. Aarohi kindly shared her Diawli traditions and some amazing pictures with us and we created rangoli patterns using quilled paper. We then made these into fireworks!


We made leaf promises for COP26, pledging every day changes we can make to help the planet. We also created promises we hope the World Leaders will make at the conference this week.