Wonderful Work in p4b! Week Beginning 13.09.21 and 20.09.21

The last 2 weeks in P4b have been exceptionally busy!

We had visitors in for our Collaborative Improvement Visit and the children displayed their outstanding knowledge of Climate by conducting a rising sea level experiment!

In Literacy, we have been writing Diary entries based on the characters from our novel George’s Marvellous Medicine. We have now finished the novel- it went down a storm!

‘I was reading out my story to the whole class. It was a diary from Grandma in George’s Marvellous Medicine.  You need to write in first person.’- Leo

We have been trying different finger exercises to use when writing. They are great for our motor skills and for a brain break to think over our work!

We have also been trying joins and working on our cursive handwriting throughout the week!

In French, we learned the vocabulary for some of our classroom objects. We made labels and stuck them around the round to help us learn the names and use them frequently.

‘I was sticking a sign from French that means Library onto the library with my partner. It was La Bibliotheque.’ Japleen

In woodland, we designed and created our own Tree Faces from clay! We looked at the tree and generated adjectives to describe it’s character. Then we named it and made a face for it from clay.

‘We were making the face on the tree and we used a berry for it’s nose which made it look a bit like a mouse.’- Zariya

‘We were making tree cartoon characters and ours was based on Leaves and Ross chose the name. We said it was fun making it because you had to pick all the stuff and put it on.’

‘We reused the clay from our experiment that was nice.’- Orla

In Numeracy we have been focusing on multiplcation, division and time.

We have been identifying numbers and words within word problems to provide some extra challenge, figuring out which type of calculation to do!

‘We were doing division word problems and we were solving them with our partners after we finished our work. It was really fun.’ Retal





We have lots of opportunities throughout the week to demonstrated our Literacy, Numeracy and Creativity skills through play! I have been so impressed with how much everyones imagination and problem skills have progressed since P2!

Climate, Calculations and Cool Japanese Art Week Beginning: 06.09.21

P4b have continued to show excellent focus, enthusiasm and teamwork this week!

In Literacy, we have looked at Setting through our class novel. We explored the features of a diary entry and wrote a diary pretending to be George from the book!

I was very impressed with the imagination and vocabulary used by everyone , lots of people have chosen to display their brilliant work on the personal displays in the classroom.


We have been focusing on Number in Numeracy and thinking about the link between halving, doubling, multiplying and counting in groups.

We have enjoyed daily ERIC time and meditation to focus on our wellbeing.  We learned about The Dip and created our own personal steps for working through tricky work and becoming unstuck!

In woodland , we tried the Japanese printing art of Hapa Zome where we print natural materials onto cloth to make symmetrical patterns.

Our hockey skills are developing quickly! This week we practised passing and stopping the ball and dribbling without the ball running away!


In IDL we learned about the difference between weather and climate. We explored the climate zones and have started to focus on the Polar Region. Next week we will research and conduct experiments to explore the effects of climate change on the Polar Climates!

The pupils were very passionate about making positive changes towards slowing Climate Change after looking at a graphic of the average Earth temperature from 1884 until now.


Group Names, George’s Marvellous Medicine and Great Displays! WB 30.09.21

We have had another excellent week in p4b. I am so proud of the children’s Growth Mindsets they have displayed this week, tackling new and tricky tasks with a positive attitude.

Woodland will start next week (Wednesdays) and with the weather changing again can you please make sure your child has a jumper/cardigan and a waterproof jacket.

Please have a look at our Class Sway which will be issued in Mrs McGuigan’s weekly round up to find out some more about the progress we have made in setting up our classroom and the topics we will be focusing on this term.


Here is  a little snippet of what we have been up to this week: