Week beginning 22.4.24

Hello and welcome to our blog.

We have been busy this week.

In PE we enjoyed using the cycle track for athletics.  We turned it into a race track and took part in  team races and relay races as well as completing an obstacle course. We are hoping to improve our running speeds over the next few weeks.

In Outdoor Learning we were delighted the sun was shining (for a change!). We spent time learning about various habitats that exist in our woodlands and what animals may live there. We then created various food chains.

In Literacy we have been learning about persuasive techniques that are used in persuasive writing and have been creating our own written pieces.   Excellent persuasive phrases and emotive language used!


Have a lovely weekend

P4/5 and Mrs McKim

Week beginning 15.4.24

Welcome to our weekly blog and a warm welcome back after our Spring Break.

This week we have been busy in Crookfur as it has been Culture Week.  There have been lots and lots of different activities that we have taken part in.

“My favourite activity was Samosa making”. (Harrison)

“I loved creating Islamic Art using natural materials from outside”. (Scarlett)

“I loved making Mango Lassi”. (Lilian)

“My favourite thing was creating the Islamic Art using dot-to-dot as it made a really cool infinite star”. (Farouk)

“I loved cooking. I made Channa Chaat”. (Ephraim)

“The Eid pop up cards were great to make. I liked making my own design inside.” (Aaron).

“We used iPads and took part in a quiz – it was fun as we could steal gold from others if we answered the questions correctly”. (Finlay)

“I liked making the Vegetable Samosa because they were very crusty and cheesy.”(Haroon)

“I liked making the pop up cards because I liked designing them” (Calum)

“The mango lassi drink was fun to make and I liked how sweet it was”. (Harry)