Week beginning 4.3.24

Hello again and welcome to our weekly blog.

This week we have been busy celebrating World Book Day by taking part in lots of different Literacy activities.

We had a wonderful opportunity to read the imaginative stories that we have been working on with another class. It was amazing listening to everyone’s unique take on the Midnight Fair  and how so many different stories were created by looking at the same set of pictures.

We also had to research an author.  We searched Roald Dahl.  We made a list of things we wanted to learn about him and researched this.  We found out that  –

“He was a pilot in World War 2” (Cameron)

“His books have been translated into 63 different languages.” (Harrison) .

“His birthday was the 13th September.” (Scarlett).

“His most popular book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” (Calum)

“He died at 1990, the same year as his book Esio Trot was released.” (Lilian).

“He was a very good boxer.” (Finlay).

Another busy week – so busy that Mrs McKim forgot to take photos!

Have a great weekend


P4/5 and Mrs McKim