Week beginning 26.2.24

Good afternoon

This week in P4/5 has been full and busy.

In Science we were investigating separating solids and liquids using a new method called filtering, where the solids were too small to be separated with a sieve. We used filter paper and discovered it worked well with separating sand and soil from water, but not for instant coffee and sugar as they had dissolved in the water.

We took part in a whole class debate “Should the Titanic be raised from the Ocean?” We worked in teams – The Proposers and the OpposersĀ  and turned our class into a debating chamber. Everyone worked hard to put their point across and debate the reasons for the motion. We followed the rules of a debate perfectly.

We had a visit from one of our parents who brought in a Morse Code machine. This was so exciting and we were delighted to have a turn and creating our own message. What a treat! Thank you so much to our lovely parent.


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs McKim and P4/5