Week beginning 19.2.24

Hello all,

This week in P4/5 we have been continuing to develop our tennis skills.

“In tennis we were practising different techniques and then played a game of doubles.” (Harrison)

“I am getting better at underhand shots.”( Farouk)


In writing we continued to write our imaginative story based on the fairground. This week we had to create the middle section. We had to think about how to engage and excite the reader by including a conflict

“My story was really fun to write and the conflict brought a little bit of mystery into it”. (Scarlett)

In Social Studies we worked in groups to decide what factors contributed to the demise of the Titanic. We used a “Diamond Nine” to do this. We had a lot of robust discussion about what we felt was the main reason and had to put the nine statements into order.

We also worked in our debating groups  for our Big Debate next week. We have been learning about the structure of a debate and the roles people have and the rules we have to follow.  it should be great fun! Who will wine the debate ?


Have a fabulous weekend

Mrs McKim and P4/5