Week beginning 8.2.24

Happy New Year and welcome to our first blog of 2024.

Back to school with a BANG!! We have been learning  about poetry and onomatopoeia this week in class. We created our own poems and we are learning how to interpret the meaning of poems.

In PE we are now learning to develop our skills in gymnastics and tennis.

Our Social Studies topic this term is Titanic. One of the things we are learning   about is  life and social class in 1912 Britain and how it differs from society today.  The children have been fully engaged in their learning and we have had some excellent discussions based on equality and fairness.

We also took part in some Titanic themed drama. We have all been given a fictional character from the titanic and we are developing their backstory, personality and their experiences of  on Titanic.  Some of the children are first class, second class, third class or crew. The children have been researching what this would have meant for them on board the ship. This week we used role play to demonstrate our reaction to seeing the ship for the first time.


A super week back.


Mrs McKim and P4/5




Drama – Role play.


Developing our skills in tennis (sometimes the ball got stuck in the fence)