Week beginning 20/11/23

Hi everyone

P4/5 have enjoyed another busy week.

In Science  we  were investigating the effect different materials had on the speed of ice cubes melting. We wrapped the ice cubes in  different  materials and observed their change over time to find out which were insulators and which were conductors. In groups we  created posters to teach others  about the importance of using renewable energy.

In STEM we used our design and problem solving skills to construct a boat. We had to follow a set criteria. It was wonderful to see the differences in each of the designs. We  also worked wonderfully together in small groups to design and construct our boat.

“Science was fun to see the ice cubes melt and dissolve. (Gurleen)

“This week in Science we were learning about heat. We were also experimenting to see  what ice cube would melt the fastest.” (Cameron)

“We used Kapla to make boats, We had to use a specific shape so if it was an actual boat it would float.” (Harry)




Have a wonderful weekend and remember what we learned about keeping safe on the roads.  It is also Road Safety Week. keep safe!

Mrs McKim