Week beginning 20/11/23

Hi everyone

P4/5 have enjoyed another busy week.

In Science  we  were investigating the effect different materials had on the speed of ice cubes melting. We wrapped the ice cubes in  different  materials and observed their change over time to find out which were insulators and which were conductors. In groups we  created posters to teach others  about the importance of using renewable energy.

In STEM we used our design and problem solving skills to construct a boat. We had to follow a set criteria. It was wonderful to see the differences in each of the designs. We  also worked wonderfully together in small groups to design and construct our boat.

“Science was fun to see the ice cubes melt and dissolve. (Gurleen)

“This week in Science we were learning about heat. We were also experimenting to see  what ice cube would melt the fastest.” (Cameron)

“We used Kapla to make boats, We had to use a specific shape so if it was an actual boat it would float.” (Harry)




Have a wonderful weekend and remember what we learned about keeping safe on the roads.  It is also Road Safety Week. keep safe!

Mrs McKim

Week beginning 13/11/23

Hi everyone

This week it has been Anti-bullying Week and Book Week Scotland. We have been very busy  completing work around these subjects.

“In writing we had to write an informal letter pretending to be a character from one of my favourite books. I enjoyed this.” (Aria)

“We created an anti-bullying poster to ensure we know how to look after each other.” (Ephraim)

“We played a game called Pass the Kindness comment and we said nice things about each other. It made me feel happy.” (Jamie)

“We played a game called Be a Millionaire and answered questions about bullying behaviour.” (Finlay)

“In my anti-bullying poster I came up with an acronym for anti-bullying. It was interesting to find out how bullying can impact people and what we can do to stop it.”(Farouk)


Outdoor Learning

This week we learned how to measure the approximate height of a tree and the approximate age of a tree. Ask us about it and we can demonstrate this to you at home.

“We worked in groups and we picked a tree to measure. We used meter sticks or a trundle wheel. I was able to do it “. (Scarlett)

“To find the age we measured the 150cm from the ground and this was our point to measure the circumference. We used wool to measure this and then we found the length by using a meter stick. Once we had completed that we divided it by 2.5.” (Joshua)

” We had to divide it by 2.5 as a tree grows in width by approximately 2.5 cm per year.” (Harry)

“This week has been very busy.” (Haroon)

“Outdoor Learning and measuring the tree was fun different from anything I have done before.”(Harrison)






Have a wonderful weekend

Love from P4/5 and Mrs McKim

week beginning 6/11/23

Hi everyone,

P4/5 have enjoyed another busy week.

We continued to build our fitness in PE by completing our circuits.  We can see a further improvement in our fitness.

We have been learning to write informal letters in Literacy. We had to pretend to write to a  pen pal to tell them all about ourselves and Scotland.

In RME we learned about the celebration of Diwali and the various ways that it is celebrated by different religions around the world. We also learned about the different ways it is celebrated in Scotland. We loved creating Rangoli patterns outside too.

We finished our week with a trip to the Science Centre. In Science we have been learning about Powering the Future our visit reinforced our learning and we had lots of fun.

“We went to the Science Centre. It was so much fun” (Lilian)

“We can see increases in our fitness levels by keeping a record of our exercises and comparing them weekly” (Haroon)

“We went to the Science Centre and it was cool. I loved all the floors. There was so much going on. it was 10/10” (Arran).


Have a lovely weekend!
P4/5 and Mrs McKim

Week beginning 30/10/23

Hello everyone.

We have enjoyed another busy week in P4/5.

“We had our second week of our circuits. I have improved from the first week already.” (Harrison)

“On Tuesday we did our writing about Scotland and Nigeria. We created a leaflet and pretended to be a tourist operator.” (Aria)

“This week we created a natural landscape picture of Nigeria and we compared it to the one we created about Scotland.” (Harry)

“In Literacy our new reading skill is Compare and Contrast. We know a bit about this already because of our Social Studies topic which compared Scotland and Nigeria.” (Scarlett)


Have a great weekend


Mrs McKim and P4/5