Week Beginning 9.10.23

Hello parents/carers

P4/5 have had another busy week of learning.

We have started our new Science topic “Powering the Future” and our first lesson was about how to power a wind turbine. We created gears and counted their rotations and learned that the faster they go the faster the wind turbines will too.

We painted our clay models of the Kelpies and they will be coming home soon.  We hope you love them as much as we do!

In maths we created Marble Runs and used our problem solving skills and work collaboratively with one another to create excellent runs.

We are also taking part in a programme call Learning About Forests through Keep Scotland Beautiful. We explored our woodlands and thought of  various ways that we can connect with nature and improve our knowledge of forest based ecosystems.   We are in the process of creating an action plan for the year ahead.

We finished this week with a class treat. Another wonderful week of learning!

Have a wonderful break.

Mrs McKim and P4/5