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Week Beginning 21/09/23

Primary 3 have been very active in PE practicing possession games and showing off our amazing dancing skills!


Primary 3 have been continuing our research about the Rainforest and came up with their own provocation.

More talent everyday in Primary 3!  Writing our own stories in our own time to share with the class.


Primary 3 have also enjoyed our new expert cards!  When someone finishes their work they can become an expert and help their peers 🙂


Week Beginning 15/09/23

Primary 3 have been learning about the different layers  in Rainforest!

We have also had fun learning greater than or less than in Numeracy with uno cards.

We have also been reinforcing daily affirmations to ourselves 🙂

Week Beginning 4/09/23

Primary 3b have been enjoying our interactive areas around the classroom.  Especially writing on the windows!

Primary 3 have also been learning about feelings and emotions in Health and Wellbeing.  We drew around a person and labelled where we feel our emotions.

Primary 3 have been showing off their amazing talents!


Week Beginning 28/08/23

We have had another fun and busy week in Primary 3!  Primary 3 have started their learning of Number Talks . They used their knowledge of place value to help partition numbers.

Primary 3 were also learning new possession games in PE!

And a silly one of course!

We were also finding active ways to learn our new sound of the week- ai, ay, a_e.

And making wonderful new creations!

Week Beginning 21/08/23

Primary 3 had a very busy, first full week!  We had our first music lesson with Mrs Lyall on Monday, and we played lots of fun games.  Primary 3 were creating new designs.

Everyone was very messy and covered in paint after creating our Class Charter!