Week beginning 20/11/23

Primary 3 have been learning about our new Natural Disasters topics.  We have been learning about Earthquakes and tectonic plates using jenga blocks!

P3 have enjoyed doing a 10 minute writing challenge and reading our stories to the class.

We have been continuing our Health and Wellbeing Bounce Back lessons on kindness and friendship.

Week Beginning 13/11/23

Primary 3 had lots of fun using the Bee-Bots in our Maths lesson!

We have been very active in PE and having dance brain breaks in class!



We have been reading about Sim Sock for Anti Bullying week and have designed our own.

We had a special visit from our new friend during show and tell this afternoon!

Week Beginning 6/11/23

Primary 3 have been leading this weeks PE lesson in tennis!  We have been very keen and eager to show off our skills.IMG_6400IMG_6401

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been focusing on friendships.  Primary 3 enjoyed working in a group  discussing friendship scenarios, and coming up with an appropriate solution (can you spot the big smiles and lost teeth?!).

As our Rainforest topic is coming to an end, our learners were very enthusiastic to showcase their own research!

Week Beginning 30/10/23

Primary 3 have been working very hard researching Rainforest animals and creating posters about the different plants!

We have been working in pairs creating excellent answers in comprehension.

The P3’s have brought in very interesting items for show and tell!