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Week Beginning 10/6/24

During sports week, Primary 3 had an exciting visitor teaching the class all about Judo.

We have been using iPads to create  freeze frames of footballers during a game for our Euros topic!

Primary 3 were so lucky to have the last Euros trophy in our class.  We were so excited!

The class were also excited to show off our Scotland strips!

Week Beginning 3/6/24

Primary 3 have been using their learning power of creativity to create football stadiums out of cardboard for our Euros topic.

Due to the bad weather, we have been doing some yoga in class for PE this week.


Although when the sun came out we did make the most of it…

Week Beginning 20/5/24

Primary 3 have been learning about the Euros 2024.  We have been working in pairs to research one of the hosting cities to create a fact file.

The class has been split into 6 groups and have been given a country that are participating in the Euros.  They have been working hard to create a new mascot to represent their country.

Week Beginning 8/5/24

Primary 3 have been working super hard in Gymnastics! We have been practicing new partner balances.

Well done to F who travelled all the way to Blackpool for a football tournament and won this wonderful trophy!

Well done to everyone who received an achievement certificate at assembly  there were lots of big smiles!


Week Beginning 29/04/24

A huge well done to Primary 3 in their fantastic performance this afternoon! Thank you so much to everybody who came along to watch P3 showcase their special talents. The children loved every single part of the show, and have definitely made everybody proud 🙂

Primary 3 ended their fun-filled week with a colour run!

P3 had a wonderful opportunity to join an online STEM live stream. We joined up with the other P3 class and enjoyed learning new skills!

Week Beginning 18/3/24

Primary 3 have been doing lots of work on multiplication this week!

To celebrate Neurodiversity week, we completed our entries for the poster competition.  P3 had to describe what Neurodiversity means to them by using relevant words  and colouring in the infinity sign.

We celebrated and congratulated J on winning a medal at his tennis tournament at the weekend. Well done!