Week Beginning 18/3/24

Primary 3 have been doing lots of work on multiplication this week!

To celebrate Neurodiversity week, we completed our entries for the poster competition.  P3 had to describe what Neurodiversity means to them by using relevant words  and colouring in the infinity sign.

We celebrated and congratulated J on winning a medal at his tennis tournament at the weekend. Well done!

Week Beginning 11/3/24


Happy Science Week!

Primary 3 have been involved in lots of science experiments. We worked in a groups for our first experiment. Primary 3 created a self inflating balloon using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.

Primary 3 completed a challenge to see how many pencils they can put through a bag of water without it leaking.


Week Beginning 4/3/24

Happy World Book Day! Primary 3 have been doing lots of research on John Fardell as an author, and the engaging books he has published. In particular, we focused on ‘Manfred the Baddie’, ‘The Day Louis got Eaten’ and ‘Jeremiah Jellyfish Flies High’.

Primary 3 had lots of fun using their imaginations to create book boxes based on John Farfell’s books.  Each group had to select a scene out of the above books and recreate it in the box.

We also created monster book marks for our new books we exchanged at the book swap

Primary 3 had a very special piece of rock brought it by one of our pupils. This rock was from the volcanic eruption years and years ago.

Week Beginning 26/2/24

Primary 3 have had even more wonderful achievements this week!  Pupils were very pleased and proud of themselves for receiving an achievements certificate within school.  Well done for demonstrating the school values!

We have been focusing on developing our handwriting skills this week. Primary 3 have been working in pairs to practice handwriting in the air, on their partners back, on the carpet, on whiteboards and in sand


We have also been working on our common words and playing a common word head bands game with a partner.

Primary 3 have been researching volcanic eruptions around the world then sharing their knowledge with the class!

Week Beginning 19/2/24

We have been working super hard this week to develop our understanding of multiplication. We have been playing a new interactive game for everyone to get involved and rotate round the class!

Another fantastic achievement certificate was given to a pupil in P3B this week at assembly. Well done for achieving new goals outside of school!

Week Beginning 12/2/24

Primary 3 have been getting messy during our coke and mentos experiment. We were discussing how volcanoes  erupt and thought we would try it out ourselves!

This week we had two members of our class represented P3B at assembly. The pupils received an achievement certificate for celebrating success out with school. Well done!

In Health and Well-being we are learning about Growth Mindset. Everybody has been working extremely hard to create our new wall display, which states the difference between a growth and fixed mindset


Week Beginning 5/2/24

Primary 3 loved seeing a familiar face in the classroom this afternoon. We were very excited to welcome our adults into the classroom and to show our learning! Thank you very much for everybody who came along.

We made colourful lava lamps and watched the bubbles rise to the surface. This helped P3 to understand how lava travels for our Natural Disasters topic.