Week Beginning 23/1023

Primary 3 have been showing off their dancing talents to the class!


We have been learning about Rainforest Animal Food Chains and had fun creating our own!

Some of our pupils presented their own learning to our class.

Primary 3 have been enjoying practicing writing common words in sand!

There have been new learning stations around the classroom this week.  Everybody loved our writing station!

Week Beginning 09/10/23

Primary 3b have been exploring new digital skills using our Plickers cards for our IDL Rainforest topic quiz!

We  had fun exploring at  Woodland and creating birds nests from natural resources.

We had very proud smiles from  of our pupils who received an achievement certificate today.  Well done 🙂

It was very interesting to see the different items our classmates brought in for show and tell.  Even more talent was shown with some medals!

Week Beginning 6/10/23

Primary 3 have been learning about shapes and lines of symmetry for maths week Scotland.  We have been creating our own shapes using tape and chalk!

There were lots of smiles during our science experiment,  learning about our rainforest topic and how rain clouds produce rain.    We got very messy and covered in shaving foam!
