Week Beginning 28th August 2023

Primary 2 have continued to work so hard this week! It was lovely to meet so many parents and carers on Wednesday night at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions! See what we have been up to in class below!

In Literacy this week we have been continuing to work on our initial sounds, blends and common words.

During Numeracy, we have been practising our addition and subtraction skills.

As part of our IDL topic this week, we explored the Capelrig stones right next to our school! We discovered the local legend of silver being buried between 3 stones and so we created our own treasure maps!

Lewis – We sorted the seasons and the months.

Olivia – We made treasure maps to find the silver between 3 stones.

Esme – We have been looking at pictures of the Capelrig stones in groups.

Theo – We have been writing about what we did at the weekend.

Billy – We were learning how to control the ball in P.E so that it doesn’t roll away from us. We keep it nice and steady.

Jack – We have learning ways we can bounce back if we are sad or angry.