Week Beginning 13th May 2024

This week was exciting as we went onΒ  walk around our local area. We took our clip boards and recorded the types of buildings that we found in our community. We saw lots of houses, 2 schools, a restaurant, a shop, a hairdressers and we even saw a police car drive by with it’s lights on!

Back in class we started to look at maps of our local area. We discussed why maps are useful and what information they tell us. We started to create our own maps of our local area and used symbols to represent different amenities. We made sure our maps included a key to show what each symbol represents.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine πŸ™‚

Week Beginning 6th May 2024

A short week packed full of fun learning!

We looked at some abstract artists and took inspiration from Kandinsky to create our own circles patterns. Then we cut these out into the shapes of houses, flats, shops, and schools to create a class ‘community’ collage. The collage looks amazing on our display board in the corridor!

In PE we have been continuing to practise our throwing and catching. We worked in small groups and had to throw the ball to the person in the next hoop. We also practised balancing a ball on a racket. We had to walk back and forwards whilst balancing it.

Have a lovely weekend, see you all next week!

Week Beginning 29th April 2024

This week, we started our new Community topic. We split into groups and found out about a person in the community that helps us. We then had to report back to our teams and create a poster about some of the people who help us in the community.

In Science, we have been learning about our 5 senses. During Woodland, we went on a ‘senses walk’ and made a note of things that we could see, smell, touch, and hear.

Friday afternoon was so much fun as we took part in Crookfur’s Colour Run! Our lovely white t-shirts didn’t look like this once we were finished! I hope you have a lovely long weekend and manage to get rid of all the powder! πŸ™‚