Week Beginning 25th March 2024

Last week in the Woodland, we had a great time making symmetrical patterns out of natural materials that we could find.

We created a piece of art using a bunny template. We had to create a pattern for the background and then we used different types of line to fill in our bunny.

Have a lovely Spring Holiday everyone and I will see you all in 2 weeks! Miss Ross 🙂

Week Beginning 11th March 2024

This week with Mrs Docherty, we read the story of Katie Morag and the New Pier. Katie Morag lives on an island. Mrs Docherty challenged us to build a shelter that we could use if we were deserted on an island!

We had to think about what materials would be suitable for keeping us warm and dry. Then we tested our shelters against wind and rain. Here are our finished creations:

Some pictures of our time in the woodland last week. We were creating pieces of art using materials we could find.

We have started to discuss the topic of friendship. We discussed what it means to be a good friend. We created our own friendship tree where we each made a leaf with a drawing that displayed how to be a good friend.

We are working hard on all of our numeracy skills!

Have a great weekend!

Week Beginning 4th March 2024

This week we have been very busy as we have celebrated World Book Day!

We have enjoyed some reading for pleasure time at the start of every day this week! It has been a good chance to try reading some new books and share recommendations with friends.

As part of World Book Day celebrations, we were very lucky to be visited by P7s. They had written their own stories and were very kind to come and share them with us. We loved them!

As part of our World Book Day activities, we learnt about the author Nathan Bryon. We read one of his books called ‘Speak Up!’. We learned about his life and his journey to becoming an author. We created freeze frames about important events in his life and used the iPads to take pictures. Then we used our freeze frames to create a timeline of his life!

On Tuesday morning our writing looked very different as we came into class to find that our chairs had quit! We had to write them a letter convincing them to come back. It was tricky to write  without chairs! Luckily, by playtime our letters  had worked and the chairs returned!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you next week 🙂

Week Beginning 26th February 2024

It was lovely to speak to so many parents and grown ups at our Parent’s Evenings this week. I enjoyed sharing P2B’s amazing learning.

We have been adding tens and units.

We have been identifying patterns and sequences with numbers.

We have been adding and subtracting using a number line.

This week during gymnastics, we have been continuing to develop our travelling, jumping, and balancing skills. It was fun to jump off of the benches!

We have been thinking about why certain animals are found in some climates but not in other climates. We each had an animal and had to tell our partner which climate we thought this animal would live in and why. We then moved around the circle to share with lots of different talking partners.

We have been challenging our construction skills and enjoyed exploring K’nex this week.

We built a carnival.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!