Week Beginning 20th Noven

This week we have been learning all about how to stay safe on the roads for Road Safety Week. We discussed how to safely cross the road by stopping, looking and listening and always staying with a grown up. We then braved the wind and rain to practise crossing the road at the cycle track.

We also discussed the importance of drivers sticking to the speed limit and created a poster to remind people about the dangers of speeding. The posters will be judged by the Junior Road Safety Officers and a winner from each stage will be selected.

In numeracy we have been learning to use the signs for ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’. We learned that the hungry crocodile always eats the bigger number!

We have also been enjoying practising our other skills in numeracy such as addition, subtraction and ordering numbers to 100.

You will be pleased to hear that following on from last week, P2B successfully captured the dragon that was on the loose! Miss Ross looked a little funny on Wednesday…

Have a lovely weekend!

Week Beginning 13th November

We have had an exciting week in primary 2! This week we received a letter telling us that there was a dragon on the loose around the school! We had to think of how to capture it. We then used our drama skills to create freeze frames and mimes to show others how to capture a dragon.

We made traps to capture the dragon.

In PE, we started our new block on fitness. We worked through some fitness stations. We were very tired at the end!

In numeracy we have enjoyed doing lots of activities to learn about numbers to 100. We like to play a game where you have to guess which numbers your partner has circled. You have to ask good questions to help you work it out.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Week Beginning 6th November

This week during numeracy we have been discussing different mental strategies that we can use to help us solve calculations. We have enjoyed using the number fans to share our answers.

Following on from Halloween, last week we started to draw pictures of a monster. This week we did some writing about our monsters focusing on adjectives. Then we used the iPads to use an app where we could record our voices to make our monsters talk! It was great fun and our monsters are super scary.

We have been learning about Diwali which will be celebrated this Sunday on the 12th November. We learned about why people celebrate Diwali. We then created our own Rangoli patterns.

Have a lovely weekend!

Week Beginning 30th October

In Primary 2 this week, we have been working so hard on our Daily Literacy Learning, a new programme for literacy. We have been working through our task cards independently which including reading and writing activities along with some fun games!

During our writing with Miss McLemon, we read our stories about Room on the Broom to each other! It was nice to hear someone else’s creative ideas.

As it has been Halloween, we have been learning how to draw a detailed picture of a monster! We thought about what to include and came up with great suggestions like spooky eyes and sharp claws! Our pictures are looking great even if a little frightening!

During numeracy we have been continuing to learn all about money. This week we were learning to make different totals using coins. We managed to match the coins to an item for sale!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, stay safe and enjoy the fireworks!