Week beginning 21st August 2023

We have had a busy first full week in primary 2! See us in action below!

Martha – We have been doing lots of counting and learning how to draw the numbers neatly.

Zayna – We have been rhyming words in literacy.

Brody – We have started our self portraits.

Niomi – We have learning the days of the week.

Robyn – We have learning about the months of the year.

Daisy – We have been making different structures with Lego, Kinex and cubes.


First Week of P2!

Welcome to P2b’s blog!

We can’t wait to share all of our learning here this year.

Primary 2 have had such fun exploring their new  classroom and making lots of new friends.

We have started to create our class charter and discussed how we can respect everyone’s rights. We have created a picture of ourselves to go on our charter which you can see in our picture.