All posts by Miss Regan

June Fun in P1C!

We have had a busy month in June that has been filled with lots of fun! I can’t quite believe that this in the last blog of P1c! I am so proud of all p1c, we have been on many  adventures together and it really has been a year filled with lots of fun 🙂 I hope you all have a wonderful relaxing summer and I will see you after holidays when you are big p2s!

The highlight of June has been our teddy bears picnic with our P6 buddies, we enjoyed some yummy treats and games with out buddies and as you can see from the pictures we had lots of fun!

We also had great fun during Sports week learning different dance moves with Miss Lamb!

We also learnt what plants needs to grow and how important plants are to bees so we planted our own sunflower seeds. Hopefully they grow nice and tall over the holidays!

We also loved learning all about Spain which was our country for Euros 2024! We created our own fact files that contained lots of great facts about Spain and the Euros.

Have a wonderful summer and take care!

Miss Regan x

Sports Day 2024!

Thank you to all the parents/carers that came to our sports day today. We all had a super time completing all the different stations before running our races! Here are a few snap shots of the morning.

‘Sports day was lots of fun and I loved everything!’ – CS

‘My favourite was the egg and spoon race.’ – LT

‘I liked the space hoppers because they were so bouncy!’ – LMc

‘I liked the javelins because you got to throw them!’ – IH

‘I liked the space hoppers because I used to have some at home and now I don’t!’ – LMc

‘My favourite was the space hoppers because you got to bounce up and down on them and it was so fun!’ – EB

‘I liked the races because I came in first!’ – JN

‘I liked the egg and spoon as you had to try and balance the egg and not let it fall off.’ – FL

‘I liked the space hoppers because you bounced up and down on them and I kept falling off!’ – JD

‘I loved the races because I liked that you got a sticker if you came first, second or third.’ – IT

‘My favourite was the obstacle course, just because it was a lot of fun!’ – LC

Walking to School Week

This week the children have participated in our walking to school week. This is a five day challenge that takes place annually!

Alongside walking to school we have been completing walking activities throughout the day. We teamed up with a P6 class to complete our daily walks, and on the last day the children all got to walk alongside their P6 buddies!

On one of our walks the P6’s had made up individual walking challenges to complete whilst we were out on our walks around the school! The children had to find items, and complete counting challenges which made the walks a lot of fun!


A Busy Couple of Weeks in P1C!

We have been to the woodland and have been exploring and looking at the different areas to see what we could add or remove to make the woodland a better space! We came up with some really super ideas….

“A treehouse would make the woodland better!” – EB

“We would like to add a new tent as the old one is a bit wet with some holes in it!” – JG

“I would like a climbing frame and a tyre swing!” – JN


In P.E over the last two weeks we have been doing athletics! We have been taking part in some running games and practising our relay races.

“We got the baton and had to put the hoops over our heads and then we ran again” – MA

“We had fun doing some relay races” – IT


We have also been learning about the importance of recycling and looking at what items we can and can’t recycle! In groups we then sorted out items for recycling into their correct recycling bins. This was great for helping with our cutting skills and our team work!

“We were putting the right rubbish in the right bins!” – FL

It is important…

“…so the animals don’t get hurt in all the rubbish” – IH


In dance over the last couple of weeks the children have been learning and making up different dance moves and then creating their own dances in pairs. We had lots of discussion around the music and around timings and staying in time with each other! They then showed these to the class! Super dancing P1C!

Here are some final photos of some of the children exploring pattern and some searching for common words within their reading books!

Colour Run Fun and More!

We have had another busy week in P1C!

This week we continued with data handling and enjoyed creating our own bar charts using different materials.

We also looked at the artist Henri Mattisse, He is a famous French artist and he used an art technique that he called ‘painting with scissors’. We looked at some of his famous paintings and created our own Mattisse inspired artwork using his technique.

We have had create fun in Dance this week, we looked at different dance moves and selected our favourite to create a dance routine.

We have been working hard in writing and this week we read ‘One Button Benny’ and wrote a summary of the story.

The highlight of our week was definitely the colour run!! We had so much fun taking part and going round with our buddies.

Here we are before!


And after!!




Over the past couple of weeks we have been exploring Data Handling. We have discussed what data actually is and why we gather information. This week we explored Bar Graphs, we gathered different items and placed them onto the graph. We had to make sure we placed the information accurately and we then look at our graph and what information it was telling us.

We have been looking at the Weather this week. We created our own Weather diaries for the week where we documented the weather each day. We loved learning about how and why rain falls too! We then discussed our favourite weather and all agreed that sunny days are our favourite!



Eid Celebrations!

This week we have been taking part in Crookfur’s Culture Week and completing activities to celebrate Eid.

Here we are in our amazing outfits, some of us wore traditional dress for our own culture.

Thank you very much to the volunteers who came into school and created the beautiful Mehndi on our hands. We loved our designs and think they look amazing!

We also created our own Mehndi designs!

We also had great fun making our own chocolate covered strawberries.

We also loved having a visit from Mrs Ali who read us a story and answered some questions we had about Eid.

We ended the week with a visit from Mr Crawford who teaches at Williamwood High School. He taught us some Spanish and brought along some props for us to enjoy.



Fruit Salad Fun and More!

We have had a busy, fun filled week in P1C!

This week we loved making our own fruit salads as part of our Health and Wellbeing topic, Food and Health. We spoke about the importance of washing hands before preparing food and how to keep our chopping board and knife clean. We also discussed how to keep  ourselves safe when using a knife. We did an excellent job of cutting our fruit although the apple was quite tricky!

One word- “YUMMY!!”

“I enjoyed making them.”

“It was fun cutting all the juicy stuff!”

“We had to cut the fruit very carefully.”

“I loved eating mine!”

We also enjoyed discussing Easter and why we celebrate Easter. We decided to make our own Easter cards and loved decorating them.

“We made a little bunny out of our hand for the front and I added lots of decoration.”

“I wrote my card to my family.”

We have also been working hard on tally marks and looked at using base five tally marks when gathering information. We used the lollipop sticks to help us display our tally marks.

“Number 5 has to close the gate!”

“It was lots of fun.”

Have a wonderful Easter holiday and very well deserved rest!

STEM, Neurodiveristy and More!

We have had a busy, fun filled week in P1C!

As it has been STEM Week, we discussed our Woodland and what creatures we may find living there. We thought the Woodland is the best place for minibeasts to stay so we decided to create little habitats for them. We carefully selected the items we used to ensure the minibeasts would want to live in our special habitats.

“We made houses for minibeasts.”

“I made a house for a ladybird!”

“We had to pick up things that would be good for minibeasts like grass and sticks.”


For STEM week, we also enjoyed the six brick Lego challenge. We only had six Lego bricks and we had to complete different challenges like creating a tower with all the Lego bricks, this was a lot tricker than we thought it would be! We also had to complete challenges like copy the building and create different items, it was so much fun and we all worked so well together.

“It was really hard and I enjoyed it!”

“We only had 6 bits of Lego and had tricky challenges.”

“My favourite challenge was trying to copy my partners building.”

“My favourite was challenge was trying to make an animal.”

We have also celebrated Neurodiversity this week, we explored what Neurodiveristy means and looked at how we are all different and what makes us special.

“We drew what we are good at because we are good at different things.”

“Neurodiversity means everyone has different brains which is so cool.”

We were also super lucky this week as Mr. Monkey wrote us a letter! In his letter Mr.Monkey explained he had been trying to learn his common words like us but sadly he had got a few wrong! We discussed what we could do to help him and decided to write him a letter back telling him to continue to use his growth mindset and keep working hard. We hope he writes to us again real soon!

“Mr Monkey wrote us a letter so we wanted to write him a letter back, I told him about school and gave him some words to try.”

“Mr Monkey was so excited to get our letters!”

World Book Day!

We have had a great week celebrating all things World Book Day! Our author of the week was Nick Sharratt and we loved exploring his different texts and drawings. We created our own front covers for different books, trying to use a similar style to Nick Sharratt.

“His books are good and cool!”

“I loved all his books because they’re good books.”

“I really liked his books.”

“I loved my new cover I made for Shark in the Dark.”

We also had a very special special Tiger come read to us on Thursday, which was very exciting! The Tiger read the story “The Tiger who came to tea” which we all really enjoyed.

We ended World Book Day by reading with our buddies, we brought along our teddies and different books and our buddies brought some cosy blankets. As you can see from the pictures we had a great time and this was a great way to finish our week and our World Book Day celebrations!

“It was so exciting!”

“It was fun!”

“I loved reading with my buddy!”

“Some books were cool and my buddy is good at reading!”