June Fun in P1C!

We have had a busy month in June that has been filled with lots of fun! I can’t quite believe that this in the last blog of P1c! I am so proud of all p1c, we have been on many  adventures together and it really has been a year filled with lots of fun 🙂 I hope you all have a wonderful relaxing summer and I will see you after holidays when you are big p2s!

The highlight of June has been our teddy bears picnic with our P6 buddies, we enjoyed some yummy treats and games with out buddies and as you can see from the pictures we had lots of fun!

We also had great fun during Sports week learning different dance moves with Miss Lamb!

We also learnt what plants needs to grow and how important plants are to bees so we planted our own sunflower seeds. Hopefully they grow nice and tall over the holidays!

We also loved learning all about Spain which was our country for Euros 2024! We created our own fact files that contained lots of great facts about Spain and the Euros.

Have a wonderful summer and take care!

Miss Regan x

Sports Day 2024!

Thank you to all the parents/carers that came to our sports day today. We all had a super time completing all the different stations before running our races! Here are a few snap shots of the morning.

‘Sports day was lots of fun and I loved everything!’ – CS

‘My favourite was the egg and spoon race.’ – LT

‘I liked the space hoppers because they were so bouncy!’ – LMc

‘I liked the javelins because you got to throw them!’ – IH

‘I liked the space hoppers because I used to have some at home and now I don’t!’ – LMc

‘My favourite was the space hoppers because you got to bounce up and down on them and it was so fun!’ – EB

‘I liked the races because I came in first!’ – JN

‘I liked the egg and spoon as you had to try and balance the egg and not let it fall off.’ – FL

‘I liked the space hoppers because you bounced up and down on them and I kept falling off!’ – JD

‘I loved the races because I liked that you got a sticker if you came first, second or third.’ – IT

‘My favourite was the obstacle course, just because it was a lot of fun!’ – LC