Fruit Salad Fun and More!

We have had a busy, fun filled week in P1C!

This week we loved making our own fruit salads as part of our Health and Wellbeing topic, Food and Health. We spoke about the importance of washing hands before preparing food and how to keep our chopping board and knife clean. We also discussed how to keep  ourselves safe when using a knife. We did an excellent job of cutting our fruit although the apple was quite tricky!

One word- “YUMMY!!”

“I enjoyed making them.”

“It was fun cutting all the juicy stuff!”

“We had to cut the fruit very carefully.”

“I loved eating mine!”

We also enjoyed discussing Easter and why we celebrate Easter. We decided to make our own Easter cards and loved decorating them.

“We made a little bunny out of our hand for the front and I added lots of decoration.”

“I wrote my card to my family.”

We have also been working hard on tally marks and looked at using base five tally marks when gathering information. We used the lollipop sticks to help us display our tally marks.

“Number 5 has to close the gate!”

“It was lots of fun.”

Have a wonderful Easter holiday and very well deserved rest!