Symmetry and Indi Cars Fun!

This week we have continued to work hard on our Nativity. We had a great dress rehearsal today and we loved having P4A and P6C as our audience.  We can’t wait for you all to see it on Monday!

“We need to be confident and sing loud!”

“We having been working hard learning our lines.”

This week in Maths and Numeracy we explored Symmetry. We know that when something is symmetrical it is the same on both sides. We had so much fun creating our own symmetrical Christmas tress and pictures.

“Things are the same at both sides and do you know we have been working hard at this.”

“Symmetry means its the same on both sides. If you don’t have it on both sides then its not symmetrical.”

“It looks the same at both sides so it is symmetrical.”

We loved using Indi car again this week!  We were set a challenge were we had to use all the tiles to create a track it was so much fun and Miss Regan was very impressed with our creations.

“We had to make tracks using all the tiles! We had to remember what each tile does.”