Space, Junk Modelling and More!

We have had another busy week in P1C! We are really enjoying our Space topic and this week we wanted to learn about the planets. We looked at each planet and learnt some different facts about them. We were very surprised that the sun is not actually a planet and is a star. We decided to create our own planet pictures, we think they look fab!

“People only live on one planet and that is Earth.”

“We live on Earth.”

“Saturn is my favourite planet.”

“The sun isn’t a planet it is a star.”

We have been learning to add, we have been using concrete materials to help us solve different calculations.

“Numbers get bigger when we add.”

“When you add you make different numbers.”

We love reading our reading books and this week we were sequencing the events of a story. We had to put the pictures in the order they appear in the story.

We have been loving our new modelling area. We have been busy all week making super creations.

“I made a robot!”

“I love making things.”