Rockets, Climbing and More!

This week we started our new topic Space. We wanted to learn all about rockets so we looked at how rockets are made, what they look like inside and how they fly. We found it so interesting that we decided to create our own rockets and had a go at describing them.

“We made own rockets and we wrote about them”

“My rocket was cool and big”

We are continuing to develop our Gymnastics skills and have been working hard on our balance, handstands and cartwheels.

“We are doing Gymnastics, we have been working on cartwheels”

“We were practicing our handstands”

“We played the shape game to work on our shapes”

We loved exploring the Woodland this week, we enjoyed climbing trees to see how high we could get and jumping in the muddy puddles!

“We climbed the trees”

“We jumped in the muddy puddles”