Superworm, Sounds and Super Balancing in P1C!

In Literacy and English this week, we were introduced to the sounds S, A and T. We enjoyed hearing each sounds story, learning the songs and generating words that begin with that sound. We also explored lots of different activities around the room relating to our new sounds like cutting stars and using the toothbrushes to clean the ‘t’s away.

“We learnt s and a’

“We cut stars because we were learning ‘s’!”

“We like our new sounds.”

Out in the MUGA this week for PE we created a large obstacle course and huge to use our balancing skills to ensure we didn’t fall off. This week, we started Gymnastics and we enjoyed learning different shapes and creating different partner balances. Miss Regan was very impressed with our great balancing!

“We balanced on each other, it was really fun!”

“We learnt about shapes, we made them with our body.”

“We made an obstacle course, it was fun”.


Outdoors we explored weight and enjoyed estimating how heavy different items would be.

“We were looking at the weight of the bricks”

Our story of the week has been Superworm which we have all thoroughly enjoyed! We discussed what kind of habitat Superworm would live in and designed our own habitat for Superworm. We then went on a minibeast hunt to see if we could find more characters from the book.

“We were trying to find superworm and his habitat”

“We tried to find all minibeasts.”

“I saw a ladybird, a fly, we found everything on the list!”