All posts by Mrs Agnew

Primary 1 is done!

It has been a busy busy June full of lots of exciting events and of course our learning in class. We ended the year with our Teddy Bears Picnic which we enjoyed with our P6 Buddies. Our buddies have been a very important part of our P1 journey and I am sure they will always hold a special place in our hearts 🙂

We enjoyed some crisps, an ice pole and time with our teddies. We then ran around on the grass playing tig or climbing across the activity trail. It was a lovely way to end our amazing year!

Our last day in Primary 1 was spent enjoying some summer colouring and watching a movie. We also enjoyed all of the visits from P7 and signing their autograph books!

Have the best summer 🙂

Sports Week

This week we have been participating in different sports as part of Sports Week but also learning a little about Euro 2024.

Each class has been given a country who is competing in the competition. Our country is Hungary so we started off our week learning some different facts about Hungary and completing a fact file with this information.

We also decorated some bunting for our classroom and drew pictures related to Hungary.

On Tuesday we learned a dance routine with Miss Lamb. We all loved performing the routine and ended it with our own pose.

We also joined P6 for some football activities. They very kindly set each of the stations up for us and showed us what to do.

Sports Day was the highlight of the week. Thank you to all of our parents and carers who came to cheer us on.

We ended our week by designing our own Scotland strip. This is part of a whole school competition. We looked at different Scotland strips over the years, including home and away strips and then created our own. We had to ensure we included the Scotland badge.

Mrs Agnew also spotted Annabel’s hair in the shape of the Saltire. We are excited and ready to support Scotland on Friday evening 🙂


Playing Outdoors and Athletics

We have been making the most of the sunshine and had a lovey afternoon playing outdoors on Wednesday last week. We love to explore the garden and there was lots of building, imaginary play and exploring with water.

“We were trying to make a track and we put water down the track. It didn’t work when we put rocks down it. There were gaps on it and we had to close them up.”

“We were playing Kings and Queens and some of us were the guards.”

“The blocks became our gold to carry to the Kings and Queens.”

“We were making a potion with lots and lots of plants and flowers and water and sand.”

“There was also lavender.”

“This is how we tried to get the water down the track.”

“The worm was so squiggly that it nearly jumped off my hand.”

“We have finished the potion.”

In PE on a Wednesday we have been learning about Striking and Fielding and on a Friday in the hall we have been having a go at some athletics. This week we played a fun game where we had to work as a team. Some of us were the ‘tidy uppers’ and some of us where the ‘messer uppers’.

We got the hurdles out and practised running and jumping over them. We tried to improve our technique as we jumped over them.

The Past and the Colour Run

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about the past. We have discussed what we mean by the past and as a class we were able to identify different things that have happened in the past. Some things happened millions of years ago and other things in our past happened more recently.

We are making links between the past and our lives today. So far we have explored what school was like in the past and toys that children played with in the past. We are able to make comparisons and we have noticed that some things from the past aren’t so different to our lives today.

We have also played some games children played in the past. We knew almost all of the games and it was lovely to have some time in the sunshine playing these.

What’s The Time Mr Wolf



Noughts and Crosses

Some of us brought something in from home related to the past. The item could have been personal to our family or simply a historic item. All of the items promoted lots of discussion and it was especially lovely to see photos and listen to stories about Grandparents, Great Grandparents and even Great, Great, Great Grandparents.


We had so much fun taking part in the Colour Run!

Here we are before…

And after…

More pictures of the Colour Run to follow…


Data Handling

Over the past couple of weeks we have been exploring Data Handling. We have discussed what data actually is and also data about ourselves.

We sorted the 3D shapes into different categories which we chose. We sorted them by shape, colour, size and if they were stackable or not.

We also had a go at sorting shapes on the board based on their colour and shape. We can sort data in many different ways!

We then sorted the fish based on information we spotted about them. We could sort them based on size, based on their pattern and also if they have a fin or not.

We have also learned to sort data using Carroll Diagrams. We had a go completing some together as a class and then completed some in smaller groups. We sorted the dominoes based on the total being seven or not seven and then sorted the numbers into two groups, one was more than five and the other was not more than five.

We have already learned a little about tally marks but next week this will be our focus along with bar graphs.


Celebrating Eid

This week we have been taking part in Crookfur’s Culture Week and completing activities to celebrate Eid.

Here we are in our amazing outfits, some of us wore traditional dress for our own culture.

Thank you very much to the volunteers who came into school and created the beautiful Mehndi on our hands.

We then completed our own Mehndi designs on a hand template using the pictures as a guide. There was lots of detail and most of us agreed it took longer than we thought to add the detail.

We very excited to find melted chocolate in our classroom and loved dipping the strawberries and bananas into them. They were extremely tasty!

We all had a go at speaking a little Arabic during assembly and then enjoyed painting our names in Arabic.

We ended the week with a visit from Mr Crawford who teaches at Williamwood High School. He taught us some Spanish and brought along some props for us to enjoy.



Fruit Salad and Break the Rules!!!

It has been a week full of excitement as we look forward to the Spring holiday.

The children prepared and ate their fruit salad on Tuesday as part of our Health and Wellbeing topic, Food and Health. We spoke about the importance of washing hands before preparing food and how to keep our chopping board and knife clean. We also discussed how to keep  ourselves safe when using a knife. We did an excellent job of cutting our fruit although the apple was quite tricky!


Eating the fruit salad was definitely the best part!

Break the Rules Day  was lots of fun! Thank you to everyone who donated 🙂

Here we are breaking the rules…

Have an amazing Spring holiday!

Neurodiversity, British Science Week and Tally Charts

We have had a very busy week celebrating Neurodiversity Celebration Week, British Science Week and World Down Syndrome Day. It was lovely to see all of the odd socks in class 🙂

To mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week we discussed what this terms means and discussed ways in which we are all different. We learned what our brains help us to do and that we all learn differently and process information differently.

We were asked to colour in the Neurodiversity symbol as part of a whole school competition and also took part in an activity which encouraged us to think about what makes us who we are and how we are different from each other.

For British Science Week we decided to think about Lego. We worked in pairs and completed various challenges with only six bricks.

We had to get the bricks to balance vertically which we agreed was the most challenging.




We then had to make a snake and explored different ways we could connect the bricks to show this.

We also made out own creature and described this to our partner who then had to guess what we had made based on our description.

Our last challenging was building something of our choice, whilst our partner wasn’t look and then showing it to them. They then had to build it back up the exact same way.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing topic about Food and Health, we designed our own fruit salad on Monday with Miss Thomson. We chose up to six fruits that we would like to include in our fruit salad. We were all keen to know which fruits were the most popular so we decided to look at tally marks as a way to record this information.

In small groups we created our own tally charts based on the data we collected. Mrs Agnew thought we did such an amazing job she has decided to display these in the cloakroom. We then presented our tally charts to the rest of the class and read the data from each one.

We totalled up the amounts of fruits we each chose and the most popular were strawberries, raspberries, apples and grapes. We will be making our fruit salad in class on Monday 🙂



Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about Dinosaurs, a topic chosen by the children. Many of us already show a keen interest in dinosaurs and have enjoyed sharing our knowledge with others, including Mrs Agnew.

We started our learning by finding out about different types of dinosaurs. We completed our own research and then created our own fact sheet based on a chosen dinosaur. We collated all of the fact sheets and turned them into our ‘P1B Dinosaur Fact Book’.


We wanted to learn where dinosaurs lived. We explored each of the different types of habitats and why certain species lived in them. We then drew our own habitat and labelled which habitat it was.

We were also keen to find out what dinosaurs ate. We learned that dinosaurs are split into three categories; carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We discussed what each of these mean then sorted the dinosaurs into each of the categories based on what they eat.

We know about dinosaurs because of fossils found over the years! We made our own dinosaur fossils from salt dough and waited patiently whilst they were baked in the oven. We were extremely excited to bring them home!





World Book Day

We have had a very exciting week celebrating World Book Day! The theme this year is ‘Read Your Way’ with the aim being to bring the fun of reading to more children.

We started off with the Book Swap on Wednesday. We were all delighted to bring our chosen book home and love showing each other what we had picked.

We took part in a ‘Book Scavenger Hunt’ where we had to scan the books for many different things such as an alien, a witch or a vehicle. We were tasked with finding an example of friendship within the books and this prompted lovely discussions. We saw examples of cuddles and kindness which we could identify as a way to be a good friend.


On Thursday, Ms Doig visited our class and read Paddington to us. She brought a lovely Paddington for us to see and we even got to smell some of Paddington’s marmalade!

We were asked to study an author and P1 were given Nick Sharratt to learn about. He is also a famous illustrator We learned a little about Nick and how he became an author an illustrator. We have explored a variety of book that he has either wrote or illustrated. Our favourite was ‘Pants’ and this led to us designing our own pants on Friday.

We also listened to Mrs Agnew reading ‘The Foggy Foggy Forest’ but the cover and pages were hidden. We had to listen carefully to the story and use our imagination to design a front cover for it.


On Friday , we explored the style of Nick Sharratt’s illustrations. We had a go at drawing like him by following a ‘draw along’ video. We of course chose a dinosaur to draw since this is our current topic in class!

Some of us shared our learning at assembly 🙂

The most exciting part of the week was meeting with our buddies to enjoy some stories. We loved showing them our teddies and cosying up to read a book together.







