Playing Outdoors and Athletics

We have been making the most of the sunshine and had a lovey afternoon playing outdoors on Wednesday last week. We love to explore the garden and there was lots of building, imaginary play and exploring with water.

“We were trying to make a track and we put water down the track. It didn’t work when we put rocks down it. There were gaps on it and we had to close them up.”

“We were playing Kings and Queens and some of us were the guards.”

“The blocks became our gold to carry to the Kings and Queens.”

“We were making a potion with lots and lots of plants and flowers and water and sand.”

“There was also lavender.”

“This is how we tried to get the water down the track.”

“The worm was so squiggly that it nearly jumped off my hand.”

“We have finished the potion.”

In PE on a Wednesday we have been learning about Striking and Fielding and on a Friday in the hall we have been having a go at some athletics. This week we played a fun game where we had to work as a team. Some of us were the ‘tidy uppers’ and some of us where the ‘messer uppers’.

We got the hurdles out and practised running and jumping over them. We tried to improve our technique as we jumped over them.