Sports Week

This week we have been participating in different sports as part of Sports Week but also learning a little about Euro 2024.

Each class has been given a country who is competing in the competition. Our country is Hungary so we started off our week learning some different facts about Hungary and completing a fact file with this information.

We also decorated some bunting for our classroom and drew pictures related to Hungary.

On Tuesday we learned a dance routine with Miss Lamb. We all loved performing the routine and ended it with our own pose.

We also joined P6 for some football activities. They very kindly set each of the stations up for us and showed us what to do.

Sports Day was the highlight of the week. Thank you to all of our parents and carers who came to cheer us on.

We ended our week by designing our own Scotland strip. This is part of a whole school competition. We looked at different Scotland strips over the years, including home and away strips and then created our own. We had to ensure we included the Scotland badge.

Mrs Agnew also spotted Annabel’s hair in the shape of the Saltire. We are excited and ready to support Scotland on Friday evening 🙂