The Past and the Colour Run

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about the past. We have discussed what we mean by the past and as a class we were able to identify different things that have happened in the past. Some things happened millions of years ago and other things in our past happened more recently.

We are making links between the past and our lives today. So far we have explored what school was like in the past and toys that children played with in the past. We are able to make comparisons and we have noticed that some things from the past aren’t so different to our lives today.

We have also played some games children played in the past. We knew almost all of the games and it was lovely to have some time in the sunshine playing these.

What’s The Time Mr Wolf



Noughts and Crosses

Some of us brought something in from home related to the past. The item could have been personal to our family or simply a historic item. All of the items promoted lots of discussion and it was especially lovely to see photos and listen to stories about Grandparents, Great Grandparents and even Great, Great, Great Grandparents.


We had so much fun taking part in the Colour Run!

Here we are before…

And after…

More pictures of the Colour Run to follow…