
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about Dinosaurs, a topic chosen by the children. Many of us already show a keen interest in dinosaurs and have enjoyed sharing our knowledge with others, including Mrs Agnew.

We started our learning by finding out about different types of dinosaurs. We completed our own research and then created our own fact sheet based on a chosen dinosaur. We collated all of the fact sheets and turned them into our ‘P1B Dinosaur Fact Book’.


We wanted to learn where dinosaurs lived. We explored each of the different types of habitats and why certain species lived in them. We then drew our own habitat and labelled which habitat it was.

We were also keen to find out what dinosaurs ate. We learned that dinosaurs are split into three categories; carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We discussed what each of these mean then sorted the dinosaurs into each of the categories based on what they eat.

We know about dinosaurs because of fossils found over the years! We made our own dinosaur fossils from salt dough and waited patiently whilst they were baked in the oven. We were extremely excited to bring them home!