
We have had the most amazing week and our classroom has been full of excitement and smiles as we look forward to the Christmas break.

We started off our week performing our Nativity to our lovely grown ups. Mrs Agnew said we all did such an amazing job and we are all superstars.

On Tuesday, some P7s came to visit our classroom and complete some Christmas crafts with us. We had the choice of a Christmas tree or a reindeer. For both we had to draw round our own hand and then decorate it with pom poms.

We also completed our Christmas bauble and our snow pictures in class and created our beautiful snowmen cards.

On Thursday we were all dressed to impressed and look amazing in our party clothes. There was lots of dancing, singing and party games and we then enjoyed a small snack. Our dance moves were too fast to get any photos 🙂

We also received a visit from a very special person and were delighted to open our gifts from Santa!



We ended our week having a relaxed morning if Christmas colouring and then spent the afternoon enjoying Toy Story.