
We have had the most amazing week and our classroom has been full of excitement and smiles as we look forward to the Christmas break.

We started off our week performing our Nativity to our lovely grown ups. Mrs Agnew said we all did such an amazing job and we are all superstars.

On Tuesday, some P7s came to visit our classroom and complete some Christmas crafts with us. We had the choice of a Christmas tree or a reindeer. For both we had to draw round our own hand and then decorate it with pom poms.

We also completed our Christmas bauble and our snow pictures in class and created our beautiful snowmen cards.

On Thursday we were all dressed to impressed and look amazing in our party clothes. There was lots of dancing, singing and party games and we then enjoyed a small snack. Our dance moves were too fast to get any photos 🙂

We also received a visit from a very special person and were delighted to open our gifts from Santa!



We ended our week having a relaxed morning if Christmas colouring and then spent the afternoon enjoying Toy Story.

Outdoor Learning

On Wednesday we were learning about the displacement of water with Miss Hutchison by exploring the principle of Archimedes.

Before exploring outside, we watched a short video which explained the theory and then tested this outside using our own bodies in the water along with a range of objects.

We found that the more items that were placed in the water, the higher the level of the water got.








Fractions and Gliders

For Numeracy some of us have recently been focusing on addition and some of us have been thinking about numbers to 10 and beyond. We have been learning lots of strategies to help us count and have been thinking of different ways we can make numbers within 10.

We have also been learning about Measurement and Fractions. This week we have been thinking about weight and using the vocabulary heavier and lighter. We have compared the weight of lots of different objects in the classroom and estimated which one we thought was heavier or lighter. We then tested this using the scales.

We then created our own picture of scales in our jotters and drew an item that was heavier and lighter to show our understanding of the vocabulary (Mrs Agnew forgot to take pictures of this).

We have also been thinking about fractions. We used the playdough to show an item being cut into smaller parts. We then had to try and cut it into smaller parts but ensure they were of an equal size. We were able to demonstrate a half and some of us could even cut our playdough into quarters, making sure each part was equal.


Last week we shared lots of learning about our class topic, Transport. This week we wanted to learn what a plane needs to fly. After watching a short video we were able to identify that a plane needs wings and an engine to fly and thrust to lift it off the ground. The shape of the wings and the way the air moves around the wings helps to keep it in the sky.

We created our own gliders in class using a paper straw and paper. We demonstrated what happens to each of these items as they are individually thrown up in the air. We then demonstrated how the paper (which we made into circles and attached to the straw) helped the glider stay up for longer due to the air flow.

Here we are testing out of gliders…




Our current class topic is Transport which was chosen by the children and is based on many interests the children have already demonstrated within class.

We shared what we already know about transport with each other and then discussed what we would like to learn. We are very interested in learning about what powers different types of transport along with how to become a bus or train driver. We have also shown an interest in tractors and how emergency vehicles work.

We discussed the different types of transport that we know of and drew what kind of transport we would love to travel in, there were caravans, racing cars, double decker buses and even submarines!

We have learned what powers a car and used this knowledge and our imaginations to design our own Supercars. Our Supercars could do absolutely anything we wanted them too. We wrote about our Supercars during Literacy and thought of words we could use to describe them.

We watched a video which explained the main ways in which trains are powered. We were all amazed to learn that there are still steam trains in operation.

We then used clay to create a bridge for our trains in class. The bridge had to go over water and had to hold the weight of our train. We worked in small teams to do this and had to communicate and cooperate with each other in order to make a successful bridge.

We were all very proud of our final designs!

We still have lots more that we would like to learn about transport!