
We have recently started Gymnastics and have so far enjoyed learning about balancing, jumping and rolling. We have also discussed how to keep ourselves and each other safe on the apparatus we have used so far.

Over the past couple of weeks we have been practising balancing, jumping and rolling and this week we put them together to make a short routine.

We learned five different shapes we can make with our bodies and we turned these shapes into balances on the benches.

I like making the shapes with my body, my favourite was a star.

I balanced on one leg.

We had a go at four different types of rolls across the mats. The Teddy Bear roll and the Side roll were the trickiest.

My favourite part was the log roll, I was like a sausage.

I liked the tuck roll, I had to keep my chin tucked in.

I liked doing the teddy bear roll, it was good exercise.

We then moved across the benches, displayed a balanced and then safely jumped off the benches in a shape of our choice. We finished our routine with a roll of our choice.

I tip-toed across the bench.

I liked balancing on the benches.